Wednesday, October 23, 2019

In Praise of Inequality

Perhaps I will meet you sometime in the desert, where the Zamiri roam, and men and woman fit together like water and thirst. When they meet, they are everything, Alone we are nothing. (From Black Gold, Movie)

All the lessons of psychiatry, psychology, social work, indeed culture, have taught us over the last hundred years that it is the acceptance of differences, not the search for similarities which enables people to relate to each other in their personal or family lives. (John Ralston Saul)

In spite of the fact that I am embedded in a hierarchical Church, I sometimes lose sight of the importance not to mention value of inequality. This I think might have something to do with the never-ending stream of modern woke propaganda in favor of equality. Perhaps I and we in the West in general have lost sight of the importance and value of inequality. And as I grow older I am coming to a more mature appreciation of inequality. And this has nothing to do with blind obedience or a militaristic exchange of fulfilling orders. There is 'something' ingenious about inequality. Hopefully I can unravel this a bit in this article.

Male and Female Inquality

Let us start on a base physical level. A male form does not equal a female form. This is qualitative. There is no possible argument against this. There is no argument against form. That which is bounded from an immediate surrounding is a res ipsa loquitur.  The thing speaks for itself.  All one has to do is trace, and dissect the body. Hand in hand with this goes the fact that females have certain abilities that males do not and vice versa. Function follows form. And I might add that each have certain strengths and weaknesses that we are all well aware of. Different ways of thinking, different ways of expressing emotion and some slightly different needs. Perhaps this is why traditionally both were to assume different roles. And maybe just maybe we have lost sight of the concept that this is very well God's holy will, "Jesus answered, "Have you not read from the beginning the Creator made them male and female . . . "

A male form does not equal a female form. There is asymmetry. They are not identical. Perhaps we can say that identity is a concept that is derived by comparing forms. That which has form is everything in philosophy and physics. Assuming Faith we may all be descended from God, Adam and Eve, and in this there is equality. We are equally children of God and joint heirs to the Kingdom. Male and female are alike in dignity and have their rights. Both are human. And yet this cannot possibly be taken to an extreme in denial that a male form equals a female form or vice versa. 

Is this a contradiction??? Not necessarily. It is possible to have both equality and inequality, and indeed the heresy of these times is to deny one and blow the other one out of proportion. This is what many of the great heretics do. They fail to accept the seeming paradox. They fail to enter into and wash themselves in the mystery. (e.g. Arianism accepting the human nature of Jesus, yet denying his Divine Nature). Moderns in the West have failed to see and appreciate the subtlety in nature, in God's plan and even in God himself.

What about a specific male form as opposed to another specific one. Take Michael and Nicholas. These two names refer to two distinct male forms, but are they equal? Strictly speaking no they are not. Again trace the lines, dissect the flesh, decode the DNA. Slightly modified forms. And guess what? Michael and Nicholas have different talents, insights as well as a little different strengths and weaknesses. Different virtues and vices. Different personalities. Different graces. Perhaps this has first has something to do with their distinct forms in addition to their chosen acts, environment, and so on.

Inequality in the Holy Trinity

There is even inequality in the Holy Trinity. Although Roman Catholics believe that the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are One God, One Divine Nature, One Essence yet clearly the Father does not equal the Son, and the Spirit does not equal the Son or the Father. They are three distinct Persons and this implies inequality in spite of consubstantiation. Jesus said, "The Father is greater than I," meaning his Divine Person. Jesus prayed that not his will but the Father's will be done during the Agony in the Garden. The Father eternally generates the Son and sent the Son into the world via Incarnation.   The Son does not generate the Father and does not send the Father. Again perhaps a bit paradoxical yet this is what is written. There is asymmetry, inequality, and identity in One Divine Essence. And without this inequality it would seem to me that God would be incomplete.

Other Inequalities and Concluding Thoughts

And there is inequality in the Church. Your average Catholic lay person who doubles as loony ultra-conservative armchair theologian spewing criticism, heresy and conspiracy does not equal Pope Francis. Oh no. By virtue of his ordination and the singular grace conferred upon him when he became the successor of St. Peter, Pope Francis HAS NO EQUAL on this rock called Earth. Pope Francis is way beyond your average lefty or righty Catholic. He answers to no one but God.

In worldly affairs, perhaps every one in a billion might have the unique ability to reign, and lead whole nations or empires in a non-psychopathic manner without depriving, harming or pissing off the subjects. This doesn't happen often, but when it does happen that is a very unique, talented, UNEQUAL human. The stars must have aligned. All the subatomic objects crossed into him at conception. The Holy Spirit must have modified his form, stimulated and graced him, because he is special. He seems to be able to lead where most others cannot. And yet the strange thing is he needs his subjects to qualify as unequal. They complete him so to speak.

There is inestimable value in inequality. Inequality fuels and sustains mutual admiration, respect, service and even love for one another. When everyone is treated equally or forced into equality or unable to cultivate unique talents or assume unequal roles, we clearly lose invaluable relations. And not only this perhaps certain needs are not met. I tend to admire and respect others who are able to do things I'm not capable of doing. I also admire others who don't have this same face I have to look at in the mirror everyday. There is something worthy of admiration, respect, love and gratitude that we have these unequal forms, abilities, talents, skills, roles, insights and so on.

In love there is this attraction encountering one that is OTHER than you. Another form, with abilities, thoughts, and so on that are not your own. And this not just in context of sexual love. Also in filial love. This is one of the "reasons" I think I love people from other cultures and countries so much. To me they are exotic, and they make me want to get out of myself and my world. In any sort of love which most would agree is the most precious gift one may find, inequality seems a life-blood. Inequality seems to fuel love. Its like we need this inequality to complete ourselves, to fulfill ourselves, to perfect ourselves. Without it, we would be nothing.

Imagine a world full of American businessmen and woman in suits, same haircut, loud cars, same ideas and all lusting after money. Talk about dystopian. Talk about losing admiration, respect, and love of others and life. That is what I would be tempted to do. Perhaps this is why there are those who make a life commitment to go against the status quo. That tattooed Mohawk and inked body is a brazen challenge reminding us all that we are unequal.

Inequality also inspires us to go beyond our humdrum lives. If there was no inequality what would we possibly have to strive for??? What star could we set our course for in order to better ourselves? If there was no Ivo Pogorelich or Grigory Sokolov, those mercurial gods of the piano setting the bar high, perhaps we would be condemned to average piano music until the end of time. And what if there was no classical music or ethnic music to inspire??? Maybe music would degrade into nothing but half naked women lip syncing nonsense. And the list goes on and on.

So in conclusion to this brief intellectual escapade, I say we should celebrate inequality.  And if one is confused as to what God's will may be for them in life he or she could always start with the basics.  Men should accept their form and basically act like men.  Women the same.  It may take some work, but it is worth it.   

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