Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Notions on the Soul, the Human Person, Life and Ensoulment

The Soul of a Human Person is an Object

Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in Hell. (Matthew 10:28) 
Moreover, with the approval of the said council, we reject as erroneous and contrary to the truth of the catholic faith every doctrine or proposition rashly asserting that the substance of the rational or intellectual soul is not of itself and essentially the form of the human body, or casting doubt on this matter. In order that all may know the truth of the faith in its purity and all error may be excluded, we define that anyone who presumes henceforth to assert defend or hold stubbornly that the rational or intellectual soul is not the form of the human body of itself and essentially, is to be considered a heretic. (The Council of Vienne) 
They therefore that received his word, were baptized; and there were added in that day about three thousand souls. (Acts 2:41)
Soul refers to an object. A couple of synonyms of object are thing and entity. Object is defined as that which has form. Form refers to what is bounded from an immediate surrounding. The soul is an object that stands out (i.e. exists), is 3D (could be measured in length, width and height although the act of measuring does not determine its existence), and has location that is a set of static distances to all the objects of the Universe, including God, the Sun, the stars, etc.

Although the English word ‘soul’ is translated from a variety of words used in Sacred Scripture, the soul Jesus referred to in Mathew 10:28 resolves to object, NOT a concept synonymous with life. Soul, in this context refers to an object not a concept i.e. a relation of two or more objects worked out by the brain. And frankly it does not matter what we name this object. It could be named spirit or whatever. What matters is the distinction that the referent of this name has form. From here we go on to describe this object and think about it using the Sacred Script, Church teaching and reason.

The Council of Vienne (1312) taught that the soul assumes the form of the body of itself and essentially. Some philosophers of the past speculated that there was one universal soul fused to all humans which would imply that this one soul had vast boundaries including the location of all humans on Earth. The Council of Vienne checked this error by explicitly and infallibly teaching that the form of the soul, which is synonymous with what is bound or contained, of itself is that of the body. So the the boundaries ... what is bound, contained, demarcated, delineated, etc. of the soul is that of the body. Soul and body perfectly superpose and fuse in an intimate union. The soul has the same three dimensions (of itself essentially) as the human body.

The soul is fundamental to a human person as is the body. As the body develops, the soul somehow assumes the form the body until death, in Faith, defined by the Roman Catholic Church as separation of soul and body, which usually occurs around the same time as natural death perhaps when the brain stops working. As soon as the soul separates from the body, God judges the person. After separation of soul and body at death, the person awaits to be reunited with the body at the Resurrection. And who knows, God may simulate the souls of the just in some manner of experience as if they had bodies so as not to disorient them to much in the time between their deaths and the final Resurrection of all.

What is the Soul of Itself? And What Are It's Properties and Abilities?

What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? (Matthew 16:25)

God the Father's Power, himself a person ... and also man who, created to resemble God's own image and likeness, has a nature which is partly seen and partly hidden from our eyes.  (Procopius of Gaza, from a commentary on the Book of Proverbs) 

In this section I speculate about the soul of itself independent of the body.

The soul of a human has unique properties for example it can superpose with the body. This is somewhat similar to the fundamental set of objects which mediate light and gravity to and from all atoms of the Universe as well as constitute their form. A countless number of these fundamental subatomic objects can superpose, overlap and intersect up to a critical abundance, which is necessary for fundamental interactions at the atomic level. This is also similar to the Trinity. The Father, Son, and Spirit interpenetrate one another.

Although the soul has form, the soul does not derive or assume its form from the same fundamental objects which atoms do. As far as I can reason, the soul, considered of itself independent of the body, is not permanently connected to all the atoms of the Universe by a subatomic mediator of light and of gravity, the same of which atoms assume their form. Thus the soul independent of the body is not subject to gravitational relation or continuous light phenomenon as are all atoms. In other words the soul considered of itself is not woven into the network of matter. It seems to me that the soul is comprised of that which is not found in all of Mother Nature.  I will just call this soulium. This is a simple and singular form known to God. There are no subatomic objects, atoms, cells, bones, organs, etc.

An interesting idea to consider is that the soul's status as detached from matter seems to imply that it is handicapped and subject to God's will and mercy when it is separated from the body at death. It seems to me that when separated from the body it can no longer move on its own (assume two or more locations) unless God grant it the ability. This is humbling, frightening, and also an exhilarating thought that is completely different than life on this Earth.

Jesus emphasized the excellence, beauty, God-like quality, immortality and grave value of the soul. The soul’s status of being detached from all atoms is in my humble opinion one of the reasons why it is more God-like than the body. The soul is majestic, free, and out of this world in that it does not rely on the same common (assumed) fundamental entity for its existence than all atoms of the Universe do. And on top of this it is specially created and formed by God as opposed to the natural process by which the human body is formed.

The soul was in the past modified by the Magisterium as "rational" or "intellectual."  The Church has consistently taught that the soul has faculties of free will and intellect. However, as we will see below, it is impossible to say that the soul, when fused to body, performs these operations in contradistinction to the body. This would imply duality in human nature.

The soul is created with a capacity to relate intimately with God in a stimulation of grace. In the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Orders; the Holy Spirit mystically and permanently seals the soul so that it relates to Jesus and His Church in a new manner of grace. I take this mystical marking, this spiritual character literally since the soul has form. The soul can be imprinted upon by God because it is a real object.

The soul is also described as immortal. I will do a section on this below, because it is a fitting transition into the definition of life and the question of whether or not the presence of a soul is necessary for life to happen at a base level.


First, the concept "person" grew out of reading the Bible, as something needed for its interpretation. It is a product of reading the Bible. Secondly, it grew out of the idea of dialogue, more specifically, it grew as an explanation of the phenomenon of the God who speaks dialogically. The Bible with its phenomenon of the God who speaks, the God who is in dialogue, stimulated the concept "person." (Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Concerning the Notion of Person in Theology) 
... relativity toward the other constitutes the human person ... The more the person's relativity aims at its final goal, at transcendence, the more the person is itself. (Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Concerning the Notion of Person in Theology)   
Prosopon is the original Greek word which translated to the Latin persona and ultimately our English person.  In ancient times prosopon meant face and was used as an artistic device by Greeks to establish roles and dialogue in poetry and theatre.  From roughly here it entered into the history of Christian thought as a need to think through the Sacred Script and was developed to help define the dogmas of the Trinity and Christology.  In subsequent sections I use the concept person many times so I thought it would be a disservice to you and myself if I did not attempt to define or at least clarify this abstraction to the reader.  

Person refers to what I would call an abstract concept.  An abstract concept, or abstraction, refers to a nest of concepts.  In my humble opinion the two main branches of the nest in Person are Form and Relation.  In Person, although the Relation branch is more important than the Form, Form is essential since without at least two Forms ... Relations are impossible.  This of course unless we consider God where perhaps Form is Relation and Relation is Form. This is incomparable and God is a Nature unto Himself.  But Person does not superpose or add another Form unto Nature or a new set of Relations, it simply narrows the focus of this Form and its Relations for our consideration.  

Nature is generalization, comparability, equality, commonality, monologicality, union, sameness, harmony  in Form and its Relations.  

Person is uniqueness, incomparability, inequality, relativity, dialogicality, communion, singularity, opposition in Form and its Relations.  

Person is dynamic, an event.  The face transforms itself in relation to others.  In Person we have a unique Form, like no other, that opens itself up, moves beyond itself and relates to another in a manner only it can and in doing so consummates itself.  I purposely keep the 'relation' aspect undefined, since there are all sort of possible good or evil relations in the sea of humans and God.  Suffice to say that this relation does not always have to happen as a giving to the other, a self-donation in some way, but also happens as a receiving from the other.  For example we receive our body from our parents, and our soul from God.  These events are foundational to our Person.  These events alone make us special and establish an everlasting relation to God, in which He invests and commits Himself to each one of us.  In these examples the concept of Person is clearly dyadic.         

In God, the concept of Person is perfectly realized in the Three via the eternal event of Procession.  And this event is fresh and ever new.  

In humans, the concept of Person is clearly defined and most sophisticated in the example of Mary.  Her soul and body is like no other, conceived without sin and sinless, a virgin yet mother.  In all her many roles:  Mary relates to God, the Church, and the entire human family in a manner only she can.  And this can be said vice versa.  Her concept of Person sprung forth in a progression of events throughout her life, from her conception to glorious Assumption into Heaven and beyond where she dedicates her time in Heaven to us on Earth.  She is the pinnacle of all human persons.  And yet her concept of Person blossomed through life as an example to the rest of us.  

In the sea of humans and God, we all have unique faces and relate to each other in special modes and assume different roles.  And in our moving relations with each other we become who we are, and hopefully who we are meant to be.  If there were only a single human on Earth and no God, the concept of the human person would be impossible.  Some even say that community is for the person.  Whereas if there was a single human perhaps we could compare him with plants and animals and maybe conceive a nature.

Person is an important concept in Christianity and I don't claim to understand it fully or more perfectly than those more learned, or more, than with those who exercise Magisterium.  However, I will say this, it is only when I discovered the Personhood of God through Sacred Scripture and prayer that I felt like I only began to know Him.  God is a Three Persons:  Father, Son, Spirit and their relation to us is very personal in the full meaning of the word.    

In sections below I interchange the word person with personhood and personality.  They are all meant to reference the same concept.  The word modifications simply make it easier to write sentences.

The Human Person
The human person, created in the image of God, is a being at once corporeal and spiritual. (CCC 362) 
spirit and matter, in man, are not two natures united, but rather their union forms a single nature. (CCC 365) 
Each human person, in his absolutely unique singularity, is constituted not only by his spirit, but by his body as well. Thus, in the body and through the body, one touches the person himself in his concrete reality. (St. John Paul II, Discourse to the members of the 35th General Assembly of the World Medical Association, 29 October 1983: AAS 76 (1984) 393.) 
This teaching remains valid and is further confirmed, if confirmation were needed, by recent findings of human biological science which recognize that in the zygote resulting from fertilization the biological identity of a new human individual is already constituted. (Donum Vitae, Congregation for Doctrine of Faith)

The existence of the unborn is a continuum of human life and growth; it does not suddenly become human at some point. (International Theological Commision, The Hope of Salvation for Infants Who Die Without Being Baptized, note 127)
Consequently, as before death Christ's flesh was united personally and hypostatically with the Word of God it remained so after His death, so that the hypostasis of the Word of God was not different from that of Christ's flesh after death, as Damascene says (De Fide Orth. iii). (St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologiae III, Q. 50) 
In this section we leave behind the idea of thinking about the soul of itself, detached from the body.

God miraculously formed the soul to superpose, interpenetrate and fuse with the body in a most thorough, intimate, perfect and to us a mystical manner. This is the norm of a human person. The soul thoroughly relates with body in a fusion to include major organs, such as the brain and the heart but also all cells, all atoms! The soul-body is a fusion of a single nature. A soul and body of a person are not half and half human.  In their fusion, each fully and equally are.

The soul-body relation as far as I understand is impossible to explain by physics and philosophy or even theology. Spiritual writers like Saint John of the Cross described the relations of the soul with God and the body, however they often employed figures of speech or analogies.

Furthermore, God did not reveal how soul-body relations work throughout life. As far as I have seen there seems a lack in technical and mechanical explanation in soul-body relations.  The soul is said to animate the body, but this does not seem to be clearly defined or explained by anyone.  It is probably so simple and sublime beyond understanding in this our first life. How could God explain it to a lowly human? He could have but He decided not too.  What I can say is that when a human thinks and acts it is his soul and body as one, that does. For a developed human person living on Earth, one cannot say the body did this and the soul did that. Then there would arise duality, and assuming Faith this is not the reality and what happens.

A human person is not a duality of soul and body, but rather a seamless union, a single nature. The Catechism of the Catholic Church is carefully and admirably worded. This is paradoxical, a mystery. In a human person one cannot deny that there are two objects, since clearly the Sacred Script and Church teach that the soul has form and separates from the body at death to go to Heaven, Hell, or Purgatory. Soul has form and location so it exists in Heaven, Hell or Purgatory while the body dissolves on Earth. So there are two distinct objects. On the other hand one cannot believe or imply that there is duality. Instead there a single nature. Two objects yet one object.  One must assume faith, admit a mystery, and accept it because reason breaks down.

When considering soul and body there is both equality and inequality. In their fusion soul and body are equally and fully human nature. I would even go as far as saying personhood is equally and fully constituted in the body as well as in the soul. Let me give you an analogy. The mystical, intimate, and indissoluble union of the human nature to the Divine Nature of Jesus remained even after He died on the Cross. The Son of God did not split in half or cease union from his Holy Soul or from His In-corrupt Body when they separated.

I believe something similar with a human person. When the soul separates from the body at death personality does not cease. To me it would ridiculous to think a soul loses personhood when separated from the body at death.  The soul still has a unique form and hopefully will still relate to God and others after death in a way only it can.  On the other end of the spectrum I believe there is a person even if ensoulment possibly does not happen at conception. It is an underdeveloped human person, perhaps even without a soul and yet there is a qualified uniqueness in this little body. And this is backed up by biology. There is a unique genetic form, an independent human person springing forth to God in a transformation and relating to the mother as only it can in a basic mode of life. And the mother is relating to this little child in a basic manner.  This little living creature ultimately belongs to God and originates from God via Adam and Eve. This human person belongs to the human race and has rights whether or not ensoulment occurs.

For the past two or three generation the Pope and Body of Bishops have taught that the zygote, from the first moment of its existence, and life beyond is to be treated as a human person regardless of when ensoulment hypothetically occurs. Furthermore, the Church has always believed and St. John Paul II infallibly taught that abortion is always intrinsically evil and gravely immoral regardless of when ensoulment hypothetically occurs. Implied in these invaluable and blessed teachings is that personhood is rooted as much in body as in soul. To me anything else is duality, and getting hung up on semantics of antiquated philosophy.

This is a profound thought and I do not say this lightly.  Read St. John Paul II again, "Each human person, in his absolutely unique singularity, is constituted not only by his spirit, but by his body as well. Thus, in the body and through the body, one touches the person himself in his concrete reality."  The body constitutes personhood as well as the soul.  A person's body is not the body of anyone else and through the body the person relates to everyone and everything including God in a way only it can and vice versa.     

Another illustration of this idea is found in the history of theologians and philosophers who thought that ensoulment determines personhood. Through the centuries opinions varied on when ensoulment occurs thus inaugurating a human person as they thought. The spectrum of opinions ranges from conception, to birth and various stages of pregnancy in between. Nobody can see when the soul is created and fused to the body by God, so these thinkers are really pinning personhood on various developments of the body and playing with the semantics of ensoulment. And yet I maintain that personality is also fully rooted in the body, and is a matter of degree. Personhood develops and becomes more determined throughout life via the maturing of our bodies as well as our relation to God and other human persons. Ensoulment is a major development because personality is also equally and fully rooted in the soul and the soul enables us to freely relate to God and other human persons in a selfless, Christ-like, moral manner given grace once we are more mature.   

In spite of equality there is also inequality between soul and body. Soul and body, ultimately relate back to God: one immediately and the other mediated through Mom and Dad tracing back to Eve and Adam. Soul and body are a single nature and yet the soul we are taught is of greater value than the body, made most especially in God's image, and constructed in a manner so as to open up an intimate relationship with God in grace.

To further illuminate things, a human person in the state of sanctifying grace has the indwelling of the Holy Spirit as intended from the beginning and restored in Baptism. So we have a third object, The Holy Spirit, superposed to soul and body. That is three objects and two natures, Divine and human super-positioned! And the Holy Spirit is constantly relating to the human person. A lot is happening in a human! Once the hierarchy of natures and objects are organized there is a beautiful synthesis like a trinity in a human person:  God-soul-body.  It is enchanting how familiar God is in the construction of and relation to a human person. 

How Does the Soul Form?

It was you who created my inmost self and put me together in my mother's womb. (Psalm 139:13) 
Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you (Jeremiah 1:5)
And now the Lord says, he who formed me from the womb to be his servant (Isaiah 49:5) 
The Church teaches that every spiritual soul is created immediately by God - it is not "produced" by the parents - (CCC 366)
Every soul has a unique and miraculous relation to God in the event of its creation. To a lesser degree this can also be said of the body, since all our bodies are traced back to Adam and Eve whose bodies God also miraculously formed. I'm always moved by the Gospel in Luke where the genealogy of Jesus is traced back to "son of Seth, son of Adam, son of God." There is no escaping our relation to God, even if we are sinners. Our bodies are related to God via parents tracing back to Adam and Eve. This is a mediate relation to God, however in the ultimate synthesis every single body is of God and belongs to God as well as to the human race. To a greater degree our souls are related to God in the event of their special and miraculous creation in the womb. This is immediate.

A soul does not form naturally as does the body in the case of ordinary humans (excluding Jesus, Mary, Adam, and Eve). God miraculously creates and forms the soul ex nihilo in which He fuses to the body.  So the soul has a supernatural origin, and implied in this origin event is a commitment of God to the human person throughout life and hopefully unto eternity.  The Divine event of a soul’s miraculous creation and infusion is sometimes called ensoulment. The time when ensoulment happens for ordinary human persons is as far as I know an open question in the Roman Catholic Church.

As we see in the above Scripture quotes of this section God clearly forms us and puts us together in the womb. Surely what is written here does not refer to the body, because our parents handle this side of the equation. These passages refer to the soul. God handles the soul side of the equation.  This is what is implied in the Scripture quotes from the Psalms, Jeremiah and Isaiah.

What does Immortal Soul Mean?

and also that it is immortal: it does not perish when it separates from the body at death (CCC 366)
The Church has always taught that the soul is immortal and I believe this however, sometimes it seems to me that "immortal" is a bit of a misnomer. Immortal literally translates as living forever, never dying. The problem with the word immortal is we introduce the word life into the definition. This is confusing because the word life is usually used in context to the body and on top of this this concept is notoriously ill-defined. Below I will unambiguously define life for this article.

You see in the Catechism description by immortal the Church means that it does not perish. Even the word perish is problematic to me. But again the definition isn't problematic. What I think the Church means is that the soul is everlasting. It will exist forever and it cannot possibly be torn apart or stop working as the organs, cells and chemicals of our bodies ultimately are by the great destroyer that is gravity. 

When we use the words life and death in context to the soul of itself these seem to me more figurative. Life in context to the soul I assume has to do with its intimate relationship with God established at Baptism whether of water, blood or desire. At Baptism, a Divine Person, the Holy Spirit comes down and dwells in the human person and stimulates him or her in the relationship of grace. As long as the the Spirit indwells the soul it could said to be alive. The souls in Hell are said to suffer death and destruction since they are separated from God, the Mystical Body of Christ, are not infused with the Holy Spirit, etc. 

In terms of immortality I think the idea is that the soul cannot be dissolved as opposed to living objects comprised of atoms, molecules, chemical compounds, etc. can. Maybe everlasting is a better word, but I am by no means denying the teaching itself. Even the souls in Hell last forever. In this this the soul is similar to the fundamental object that mediates light and gravity between all atoms, the same from which all atoms derive their form. This fundamental object cannot possibly dissolve, break into pieces, etc. unless God performed some miracle which there is no reason to believe he ever will. 

What is Life and Where Does the Soul Fit Into This Definition?

Life for the purposes of philosophy, physics, and biology could be defined as a natural object's ability to move on its own in spite of its inherent gravitational relationship with all the atoms of the Universe. This ability is built into the body of the object. Life refers to a dynamic concept, a verb. Life describes a natural object's ability to move on its own against the pull of all the atoms of the Earth and Universe. A living object has an ability to independently move radially opposite the net effect of gravity originating in the Earth. Life is independent anti-gravitational motion. This is a clear and consistent definition that holds up to critical thinking and rational analysis.  This durable definition has footing in physics, biology and philosophy.

In Faith, we can assume God designed an object’s ability to independently self-propel, given the right set of circumstances. The fundamental unit of life is the cell. Before a living object performs such actions as respiration, reproduction, defecation, meosis, etc. it must have the ability to move on its own against the gravitational pull originating from all the atoms of the Earth. Without this ability a living object would not be able to perform any of the many functions proper to it.

I now arrive at the reason I wrote this article. I was curious if the soul is necessary to life as I have defined above. This is a complex question to answer because human life passes through a vast development to a pinnacle where a person is making complex moral decisions, possibly living selflessly and acting to some degree in unison with the Holy Spirit. At this pinnacle, yes I do think the soul is necessary to life of a human person. Yet, at a basic level, no I do not think a body must be informed with a soul to enact the moving relation called life. Somewhere in between yes I do think the soul has to infuse a maturing human body for a coordination of movement. A good marker is perhaps when the brain is fully formed and functional.

If I presented my atheist friends with the choice of ridiculing me over the existence of God or the necessity of the soul in life, they would probably choose the latter. At least with God we can appeal to an unseen mystery. With life at a base level bio-mechanics is clearly explained at this juncture of history. We can practically see the mechanics through a microscope video camera. It is wondrous how a living entity moves on its own, but at a basic level there is not a whole lot of mystery to appeal to in order to argue that a soul is necessary to life. A single celled organism does not need ensoulment from God in order to move on its own in spite of gravity. This to me is a ludicrous thought.

Now I come to the human zygote. Although, as I said above I think a zygote is a human person in spite of its underdevelopment, I just assume that it does not need the soul to self propel and undergo its transformation and movement toward the uterus. The zygote is alive regardless of ensoulment.

The Virgin Mary's Ensoulment According to Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich

Four and one-half months less three days after St. Anne had conceived under the Golden Gate, I saw the soul of Mary, formed by the Most Holy Trinity, in movement. I saw the Divine Persons interpenetrating one another. It became a great shining mountain, and still like the figure of a man. I saw something from the midst of the Three Divine Persons rising toward the mouth and issuing from it like a beam of light. This beam hovered before the face of God and assumed a human shape, or rather it was formed to such. As it took the human form, I saw it, as if by the command of God, most beautifully fashioned. I saw God showing the beauty of this soul to the angels, and from it they experienced unspeakable joy. 
I saw that soul united to the living body of Mary in Anne’s womb. Anne lay asleep upon her couch. I saw a light hovering over her and from it a beam descending toward the middle of her side. I saw that beam enter into her in the form of a small, luminous, human figure. At the same instant Anne sat up. She was entirely surrounded by light, and she had a vision. She saw her own person, open as it were and in it, as if in a tabernacle, a holy, luminous virgin from whom proceeded all salvation. I saw, too, that this was the instant that Mary first moved in her mother’s womb. 
Anne arose and announced to Joachim what had taken place. Then she went out to pray under the tree beneath which a child had been promised to her. I learned that Mary’s soul animated her body five days earlier than is customary with ordinary children, and that she was born twelve days sooner. (The Complete Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich)
Above is a quote taken from the prophetic visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich. She describes the supernatural creation of Mary's soul. Strangely, she describes the miraculous formation and fusion of Mary's soul to happen about four and one half months into St. Anne's pregnancy. And she goes on to say that the time of this event give about five days, is customary for all ordinary children. By ordinary I would assume she is excludes Jesus, Adam and Eve.

Blessed Anne's number suggests about 135 days, which is midway through second trimester. This is a unique idea. Theologians and philosophers from the past posited all different times they thought ensoulment occurs from conception to birth, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone say four and one half months into pregnancy. Modern theologians and members of the pro-life movement have seemed to abandon the idea that ensoulment happens post conception. This is understandable.  I take nothing away from them. However as far as I know the Pope or Pope and Bishops of the Roman Catholic Church have not clearly and authoritatively taught when so called ensoulment occurs.

For Blessed Anne, in the 1800s to clearly state these numbers is to me fascinating. It took me years just to get used to this idea! Initially I was repulsed by it. Yet with time and for a variety of reasons which I will list below I agree with her. Assuming Faith it is reasonable to me that God would wait half way through the pregnancy to create the soul and unite it to the body.

Notice also that she clearly states the Mary's soul assumed a form. Soul refers to an object, i.e. to that which has form, shape, figure, etc. . . pick your synonym. Form is the primary quality of all objects, and the soul is most certainly an object, NOT a concept such as love, life, justice, gravity, light. Jesus clearly references the soul as an object in Matthew 10:28.

Blessed Anne says she saw this soul unite to the LIVING body of Mary in Saint Anne's womb. She seems to suggest that Mary's body was already alive in Saint Anne's womb prior to ensoulment. Although assuming Faith the soul is an essential object to mature humans, Blessed Anne's words would seem to suggest that an object can be described as living prior to ensoulment meaning that the soul is not necessary for an object to enact the dynamic relation called life at a basic level.

The Ensoulment of Jesus, Adam and Eve

I saw Adam, not born in Paradise, but in the region in which Jerusalem was subsequently situated. I saw him come forth glittering and white from a mound of yellow earth, as if out of a mold. (The Complete Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich) 
Then from his (Adam's) right side, from the same place in which the side of Jesus was opened by the lance, God drew Eve. I saw her small and delicate. But she quickly increased in size until full grown. She was exquisitely beautiful. (The Complete Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich) 
She (Mary) entirely absorbed in self, saw in herself the Incarnate Son of God, a tiny, human form of light with all the members, even to the little fingers perfect . . . (The Complete Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich)
Jesus, Adam and Eve were extraordinary and at the very least Adam and Eve are not customary examples of when ensoulment occurs. 

The Conception of Jesus is a different event than natural or unnatural conception (fusion of M & F gametes). This is of tantamount importance to note. Our human natures are not assumed to the Divine Nature. The event of the Incarnation is incomparable. Even the Immaculate Conception of Mary pales in comparison to it.  And our lowly conception is not even in the same league. When the Son of God miraculously assumed human nature in the womb of Mary his soul and body were created and fused at the same time. And of course he was filled with the Spirit. This was extraordinary.

I am of the opinion that the human body assumed by the Son in the Incarnation event was miraculously accelerated to that of a fetus. The Spirit used the cells of Mary to miraculously form a fetus in an accelerated manner at the same time the Spirit created and infused the soul as the Son of God united himself to this his new human nature all in one event, in one and the same instant as has been explained by Fathers and Doctors of the Church. From there Jesus slowly and gently grew and developed in the womb of Mary for a customary nine months to sanctify this phase in the life of all mothers and children.

The bodies of Adam and Eve were not naturally formed in utero. God miraculously formed both of their bodies as fully grown adults with developed organs and so on. As described in the Sacred Scripts, Adam was miraculously created from the clay of the Earth and Eve miraculously, God using a rib taken from Adam in Paradise. They were ensouled in adult bodies. This is also extraordinary.

What I take from the ensoulment of Jesus, Adam and Eve is that God is free in his decision of ensoulment. God is not bound by any sort of rules. He creates and infuses the soul when He sees fit in accord with circumstance and his boundless wisdom. God is not programmed and predictable like a robot.  And neither am I!!! 

Some Reasons Why I Agree With Blessed Anne Catherine

Four and one-half months less three days after St. Anne had conceived under the Golden Gate, I saw the soul of Mary, formed by the Most Holy Trinity, . . . I learned that Mary’s soul animated her body five days earlier than is customary with ordinary children, and that she was born twelve days sooner. (The Complete Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich)
In a previous section I said that I agree with Blessed Anne's view that the customary time for ensoulment of all ordinary prenatals is about four and one half months. In this section I will briefly share some reasons why I think this is a viable teaching.

So what are some reasons I think ensoulment occurs at about four and one half months like Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich says?

  • As I explained above, it seems to me that the presence of a soul is not necessary to life at a basic level of operation
  • In this fallen world, many embryos conceived in a spontaneous pregnancy resulting from a natural sexual act open to life fail to implant in the uterus and do not survive.  It is hard for me to believe that God would commit Himself to creating and infusing a soul to all these lost embryos.  Is the mother going to find all these lost children in Heaven?  I doubt it.    
  • Humans are reckless with their sexual organs, gametes, sexual acts and in general their bodies, especially in these modern times when in vitro fertilization as well as many horrifying experiments on live embryos happen.  It is hard for me to believe that God, in his foresight and wisdom, would commit to creating and infusing a soul too early in the face of such irresponsibility and evil.  It would almost seem foolhardy and ludicrous for God to commit Himself in such a manner.    
  • Not much is known about the soul.  The body might not be fit for its reception until the heart and brain are fully formed.
  • God exercises free will and is not bound by any rules.  
  • Human nature is fallen and sinful.  Humans have shown themselves to be severely harmful to each other, especially toward the most innocent and underdeveloped in the womb.  We can act careless in the face of an awesome responsibility.  So I think a little caution on God's part as to when to create and infuse the soul would seem prudent.    
  • Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich and others throughout history have posited different times in development when the prenatal is ensouled while believing abortion is always instrinsically evil and gravely immoral.

Now with these listed, I will modify by saying:  It is possible and within the realm of God's might and mercy to adopt any prenatal at any stage of development from conception; to create and infuse him or her with a soul; to confer a mystical baptism of blood upon them and raise them in Heaven.  I do not reject this possibility.  I am of course uncertain as to everything God does.  And I could very well be wrong in my ideas.  I'm a fallen human person and a sinner.  God does not live by my thoughts and rules.

Regardless of when ensoulment happens, those who God would ensoul in the womb or in a dish, He has committed to, and He surely has the power to save them via Christ Jesus in a concrete manner in light of their premature deaths, and there is no reason to think that He does not.  This will be a very brief topic below.  

This is NOT a Red Herring. No Matter When Ensoulment Occurs Abortion is Always Instrinsically Evil and Gravely Immoral

Even scientific and philosophical discussions about the precise moment of the infusion of the spiritual soul have never given rise to any hesitation about the moral condemnation of abortion. (St. John Paul II, Evangelium Vitae)
I want to preface my further remarks by saying that I am not serving any agenda. I am pro-life. I've swung a censer leading the Eucharist in procession around an abortion clinic right down the rode from where I live. However, assuming Faith I have to follow the current of my reason to keep my integrity. As a thinker one must remain detached.  This article has been challenging.  Other than the unpleasant previous section I enjoyed researching and writing it. I am happy with the way I feel about it and I think I came up with some decent ideas with the aid of others. I am subject to the judgment of God and the Magisterium.

As I already stated above and will state again, abortion is always instrinsically evil and gravely immoral regardless of when ensoulment occurs like St. John Paul II infalliby taught and the Church as a whole has always believed. I feel I made a decent case that personhood is rooted in body as in soul, and that the human person begins at fusion of M and F gametes regardless of ensoulment. I used the death of Jesus to argue this as well as what is implied in the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church as well as that seemingly sacred word called science. 

Pro-lifers think the event of ensoulment is implied in the teaching against abortion and the teaching that we should treat the prenatals as a human person from conception. Whereas I think the concept of personhood is implied as equally and fully rooted in the body regardless of when ensoulment occurs in these same two teachings. I also made some other arguments in favor of this view.  This view is important because it holds more weight legally than ensoulment.  I think St. John Paul II understood this.  The courts will not let an unseen creation and infusion of the soul sway their decisions because of lack of evidence.  A stronger case for a human person and clear definitions of life would help more in my estimation.  This being said, legality has nothing to do with my currents of thought. 

The new living object formed at conception is a human being regardless of my ideas about personhood or whether or not ensoulment occurs as Pro-lifers tend to think. This form is derived from a man and a woman which in Faith can be traced back to Adam and ultimately God: the son of Enosh, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God. (Luke 3:28). The new living object formed at fertilization belongs to the human race and has rights even if it underdeveloped and does not yet have a soul created and infused by God. If that object has not matured to the event of ensoulment it is still a living human being and abortion is still instrinsically and always gravely evil. The mediator or mediators of an abortion directly and voluntarily harm and deprive the target object in a severe manner, in this case an underdeveloped and innocent human. This is a heinous sin.

If ensoulment occurs half-way through pregnancy an abortion to those prior to this event deprives some underdeveloped humans of not only their life but also possibly of their soul (if God's choice is not to adopt them). It seems to me that if ensoulment occurred halfway through pregnancy then an act of abortion would be a greater degree of evil than previously imagined, since some underdeveloped human persons might not reach the event of ensoulment. There is a possibility that abortion of an embryo in the first few months of pregnancy deprives that human being of not only life, but also of a soul. This is double the evil. My speculation raises the stakes.

My speculation also elevates the dignity of the Mother. She is not only caring for the life of her child, but also helping that child reach the event of ensoulment, a significant moment in all our lives.  This is an invaluable gift from God and not to be taken lightly.

What Happens to Prenatals that Die in the Womb?

But now he is dead. Why should I fast? Am I able to bring him back? I will go to him, but he cannot return to me. (2 Samuel 12:23, David comments on his dead new born baby via Bethsheba)
Or am I not free to do as I wish with my own money? Are you envious because I am generous? (Matthew 20:15)
God did not bind His power to the sacraments, so as to be unable to bestow the sacramental effect without conferring the sacrament. (St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica III 64, 7; cf. III, 64, 3; III, 66, 6; III, 68, 2. ) 
Our conclusion is that the many factors that we have considered above give serious theological and liturgical grounds for hope that unbaptised infants who die will be saved and enjoy the Beatific Vision. (International Theological Commission, The Hope of Salvation for Infants, n. 102) 
It was explained to me likewise why the Redeemer remained nine months in His mother's womb, why He was born a little child and not a perfect man like Adam ... The Incarnate Son of God willed to be conceived and born that conception and birth, rendered so very unholy by the Fall, might again become holy.  (Complete Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich)
The universality of salvation means that it is granted not only to those who explicitly believe in Christ and have entered the Church. Since salvation is offered to all, it must be made concretely available to all.” (St. John Paul II, Redemptoris Missio)
The theology of salvation is not where I excel. All I will say is that I do believe that those who are ensouled in the womb and who die an untimely death by any means such as abortion or miscarriage are given a Baptism of Blood by God and raised in Heaven. Salvation is made concretely available to them and granted by God in his mercy. It is arrogant to think that God is not able to bestow the sacramental effect without conferring the sacrament or that in His surpassing Love, Mercy and Justice would hold back this gift to these innocents who have been harmed.  This would go against so many verses in Sacred Scripture it would be impossible to list them all. 

I also do not believe in a third and final destination after the Resurrection and Last Judgment, such as a hypothetical Limbo of Infants. A Limbo of Infants is not implied anywhere in the Sacred Script.  They are in God's unfathomable plan and are destined for Heaven.   

And I am not a Feeneyite.  

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

What Does a Hydrogen Atom Look Like?

If we could stop a hydrogen atom from moving and see it, I think it would look something like this mineral:

a radiating mass of slender crystals serve as a likeness to my supposed electron threads originating in the proton

From a tiny critically abundant and central convergence point called proton countless subatomic objects, call them electron threads in a double helical mode, emanate and diverge.  The electron shell is the set of these electron threads emanating out radially from the proton.  They take their form from one thread of the double stranded fundamental subatomic objects which converge from all atoms of the Universe to form the basic proton with the other thread.  The electron threads are only as long as the atomic radius for any given atom.     

But this is only half of the picture. In the background and superposed or interfacing this H atom we would have gazillions of subatomic objects converging from all atoms of the Universe to impart form to our Hydrogen atom. Call these EM Ropes (picture two below). These EM Ropes mediate light and gravity between all atoms. A set number of these EM Ropes are fundamental to each and every H atom, so that the H atom constantly assumes it's form from them:

For each Hydrogen atom there is a set # of EM Ropes converging to form the proton (the # of H atoms ((or protons and neutrons)) of the Universe minus 1), and set # of electron threads emanating and diverging from the proton. These objects have unique qualities, one of which is that they are able to occupy the same location (called superposition, interfacing, etc.). From here each location surrounding the proton has a whole number of EM Ropes and electron threads superposing at any given time.

In other words we have integers of threads in superposing alignment. Integer multiples are essential to quantum mechanics. Once we set the H atom in motion there are infinite possibilities of how the EM Ropes and electron threads can align to consummate light events, especially if we have atomic collisions. The electron threads have more freedom to move around the proton since they are not connected at two ends. So in addition to turning CW or CCW along their lengths, they can revolve around the proton like hands on a clock. In opposition the EM Ropes are always rooted in at least two protons (or neutrons), so they will shift a little less dramatically as the atom moves. These subatomic objects act like fingers tapping into and torquing one another CW or CCW.

I think the best way to think of electron is not an object, but as dynamic concept of the threads converging to form the proton and the threads diverging from the proton threads . . . influencing one another. Perhaps there is a critical # of EM Ropes and electron threads which must align in order for them to influence one another and so trigger a light events, i.e. two stranded threads in a torsion wave. When the atom gets disturbed by high frequencies or collisions perhaps electron threads may bunch up and outnumber the EM Ropes or vice versa at any given location or quadrant around the proton. Electron happens at any possible locations around the proton. In addition we would have extraneous EM Ropes interconnecting other atoms crossing through our H atom, and even extraneous electron threads from other atoms when they get close to our H atom.

The atom is a double star like pattern or texture of DNA like threads, converging to proton and diverging from proton. And light (or radiation) ultimately generates strength, that is higher and higher frequency, by numbers, numbers of electron threads and EM Ropes aligning around the proton.

How the proton stays held together in a consistent form as it constantly reforms itself by the EM Ropes while it takes on two or more locations is to me inexplicable. How the proton even forms the electron threads is a mystery to me. What can I say?

On the one hand the interior of a proton is a dynamic place, with things [threads] moving around. On the other hand all protons of everywhere and everywhen behave exactly the same way. (Wilczek, The Lightness of Being, p. 44, brackets mine)

If someone asked me to model and explain the Hydrogen atom, the above is more or less what I would present to them. Call this model Star Model.  This is not perfect, but it is a representation of something other than the symbols and empty spaces of physics textbooks. 

As we get to fusion the number of these EM Ropes and electron threads increases in whole numbers. In fusion electron threads interlace, bunch together and organize into well defined groups around the nucleus. 

Electron threads are also responsible for chemical bonds. They interlace with electron threads of adjacent atoms in a bond. And these electron threads are also in part responsible for electricity. In a current through a lattice imagine them as acting like in a domino effect or (a cascade), from one atom to the next, shifting and superposing in the direction of the current, so that on one side of each atom in the lattice we have a dominant concentration of electron threads acting to torque the next set of electron threads & EM Ropes in line. 

But to return to my point above, if we are using counting and integer representations in physics we at least consider that we are counting OBJECTS. Right?

Monday, April 27, 2020

What Does E=mc2 Refer to in Reality?

Establishing a Basis of Interpretation and Physical Context

First, one has to establish a physical context in order to understand what Einstein's equation describes and all its implications. And what better place to start than at the atom, say a simple hydrogen atom, the building block of visible matter? The hydrogen atom will be our basis of interpreting Einstein's equation and we will see that his equation actually serves as a sweeping schematic of the H atom's form as well as its fundamental connection to all other atoms of the Universe.  We cannot see a hydrogen atom in reality and so we will use our God given reason and imagination under the discipline of all great physical equations put out by the masters.

What Does Energy Refer To?

Energy of course refers to a concept.  In Einstein's equation energy refers to the hydrogen atom's capacity to do work. This is sort of raw potential equation, prior to taking motion into consideration. An H atom's potential to do work is proportional to it's mass and velocity of light squared. Mass and c2 coupled on the right side of the equation hints toward the idea that the invisible (dark) subatomic objects that mediate light and gravity to and from all atoms of the Universe are one and the same. Again they are one and the same.  Given Einstein's equation, this is the only possible explanation.  

Furthermore, the H atom takes on its form from these invisible subatomic objects, all of which converge from none other than all other H atoms of the Universe. And logically the next assumption is that these set of dark subatomic objects interconnect all atoms of the Universe.  In simple words:  The object that mediates light as well as gravity to and from all the atoms of the universe also constitutes all atoms.

One could imagine a hydrogen atom as a bundle of gazillions of these subatomic objects converging and superposing from all the atoms of the Universe and imparting form to it at a central location which is the atom. Gaede called this subatomic object the EM Rope. Imagine an inordinately long double stranded threads indissolubly connecting all atoms. It is the presence of these gazillions upon gazillions of EM Ropes converging into a central bundle we call hydrogen which gives it this enormous potential to do work, especially in a nuclear reaction. These dark subatomic objects impart form to the Hydrogen atom, and so the atom and these subatomic objects are somewhat the same and yet there is an inequality since in order to build a Hydrogen atom we need as many as these subatomic objects coming together as there are Hydrogen atoms in the Universe.

An atom has the ability to tap into the EM Ropes, or work it and be worked by it, by various means, for example in a nuclear reaction, a chemical reaction, in atomic electron transitions, etc. In these sort of mysterious and ethereal phenomena, the atom taps into the very set of subatomic objects from which it derives its form. And all of these subatomic objects keep a single H atom in tension with all other atoms of the Universe.  This is called inertial mass. Inertia is the tension of these supposed dark subatomic objects. Light (or radiation) is torsion of these same invisible subatomic objects which a. converge to impart form to the H atom, and b. interconnect all H atoms (or protons and neutrons) of the Universe.

This subatomic object has some unique properties not associated with macro-objects, but it still obey's Newton's third law, or rather we can use Newton's third law to describe this object. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The subatomic objects that interconnect all atoms, impart form to them and mediate both light and gravity obey Newton's law. So when an atom taps into these or acts, the EM Rope has an equal and opposite reaction always toward at least two atoms of the Universe. Thus the square factor of c. This is how light is able to retrace its path so to speak. Its almost like strumming a chord and the chord reacts in both directions where it ends on at least two atoms. The c2 concept is a to and from idea. Bidirectional.

Newton's Third Law: action, equal and opposite reaction is the easiest way to understand the c squared concept in Einstein's equation. If the atom at one location torques a set of superposing EM Ropes, it would seem that the EM Ropes would be signalling in two directions, say N & S along the double stranded threads. The threads are signalling in two directions. Some of the EM Ropes will end and transform into the atom that enacted the light event, and others will end at other atoms. The light event will react back through the atom that enacted as well as end on other atoms in opposite directions. If at different locations of the atoms the torsion events are happening at different frequencies, perhaps the highest at any given time is the set of superposing EM Ropes that will cause the recoil. Einstein said,

Outgoing radiation in the form of spherical waves does not exist [he meant does not happen]. During the elementary process of radiative loss, the molecule suffers a recoil of magnitude hv/c in a direction which is only determined by ‘chance’, according to the present state of the theory." (On Quantum Theory of Radiation)

Radiative loss, could just refer to any location of the atom that suddenly increases its frequency of light events along the superposing set of EM Ropes aligned at that location. The chance is just an illusion. I think the chance has to do with the number of EM Ropes and my supposed electron threads in an aligned superposition around the atom, and this will always increase or decrease in accord with extraneous EM Ropes and motion and realignment of electron threads. No one has the ability to count them so we use quantum jump concepts as well as the almighty random variable and statistics. But I think light, like gravity, is a strength by numbers relation.

Another way to think of it is that by assumption that all that atoms of the Universe are connected and formed by these subatomic objects . . . light behavior constantly acts through the H atom, equally, from opposite directions, and this may in someway help maintain its structural integrity. Or the H atom can signal equally in opposite directions via the mediators. This implies that light or radiation is always working to and from all atoms. Structurally, this further implies that an H atom derives its form from one and the same set of objects that mediate light between all atoms, and these same objects also maintain mass, and are also involved in what we call gravity. An atom constantly tapping into these subatomic objects keeps a constant action/reaction tension between all atoms that is basically inertial mass, and is exponentially increased in gravity when we model objects like Sun & Earth at close distances. But it would seem that all the atoms of the Universe are inseparably connected via the mediator of light and gravity. There is a perfect, profound, balanced and consistent connection and activity happening between them all. I guess we can say that God made all atoms well, perfect, symmetrical, clear, and Einstein's equation can be used to describe this.

Another way to interpret c2 is to say that the H atom has an ability to emit and absorb at a characteristic range of frequencies. In either emission or absorption the atom is simply relaying along our subatomic objects in two different directions pending emission or absorption.

Bidirectional, Diametrical, Two-Way

c2 is diametrical ... two-way ... polar 

The direction of light phenomenon if we can even put it that way, regardless of location, is diametrical (or bi-directional). It is "aimed" at the source atom as well as the target atom since when the EM Ropes are tapped into they signal in a polar manner. Light happens in two possible directions: to or from every atom of the Universe. There are always two or more atoms involved in light and gravity. Tapping into a single mediator (our EM Rope, or subatomic object) always influences at least two atoms. Thus the squared factor.

There is no preferred direction of light, like in silly CMBR (Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation) interpretations. Light begins and ends at at least two atoms. Light without atoms is impossible.  And the atom is constantly signalling atoms and being signaled to by atoms via the mediators of light interconnecting all of them.  In addition there is always an abundance of extraneous EM Ropes crossing through atoms.  These extraneous EM Ropes begin and end on atoms other than our test atom.  It is these that are possibly responsible for the "strain" detected by LIGO.

Einstein's equation is probably the most refined and simple equation in history. It is an all-encompassing, advanced and abstract way to describe an H atom, but it needs some fundamental assumptions and traced objects to understand. Unfortunately most people spit out nonsense about energy converting into matter or mass or gravitational waves. . . in other words: concepts converting into concepts. They haven't a clue what they are talking about. There can be no explanation without appealing to something. A theory, explanation, or manifestation is built upon objects: that which have form. These objects perform causal relations with other objects.  These causal relations are concepts, i.e. relations between two or more objects worked out by the brain.

At Least Two Atoms . . .

When we talk of this invisible subatomic object that mediates light . . . when acted upon by the atom, two atoms will always be induced to motion. The signalling atom as well as the receiving atom. 

At least two atoms are always influenced by a light event which is a result of all sorts of atomic interactions like nuclear, chemical, random electron transitions, and so on and so forth. Of course in reality this is multiplied gazillions of times over because these mediators converge and superpose at the atom and in addition there are extraneous mediators of light which begin and end on other atoms, crisscrossing and superposing through the source atom. So if an atom consummates a light event at any given location around itself, it is possible that gazillions of pairs of atoms are influenced across the Universe, even atoms is the opposite direction which the electron is pointed.  If you tap into that mediators it will act in a polar manner, inducing motion along it in opposite directions to where it ends on atoms which could be located at the edge of the Universe. All this is further illustrated in the inverse square law of light.

There is a rich interpretive potential in c squared concept. It also teaches us that light is impossible without two or more atoms.

Why Does a Hydrogen Atom have an Enormous Capacity to Do Work?

Many have wondered about this. 

Suffice it to say that it is the presence of gazillions upon gazillions of EM Ropes converging from all the other atoms of the Universe into a central fiber bundle in a single location that gives the H atom its enormous potential to do work, especially in a nuclear reaction.

In a nuclear reaction we have twice the number of these subatomic objects all vying for a single location. It seems that only so many can overlap, crisscross or superpose in a sort of critical abundance of thread. This is the reason why we don't fall through the Earth this very moment.  There is a crisscross, overlap or superposition of threat through which no more thread may pass.  Call this critical thread abundance.  So when two H atoms are forced together to their 'convergence points' an event happens that perhaps taps into every single one of these subatomic objects wherein chemical reactions or atomic electron transitions less are tapped in an the event that is less volatile. But in a nuclear reaction we might have the action/reaction for an astronomical number of these subatomic objects in a single event.

Two atoms crushed together at a single location means two times the # of these subatomic objects in shock, all acting upon one another in a moment, and this causes a reaction along the EM Ropes which will disturb every surrounding atom since all atoms of the Universe are of course inherently constituted by these subatomic objects that also mediate light as well as gravity.

It would be well to reread famous quotes from Heisenberg and Feynman who sort of flirted with these ideas. In so many words:

"Nature uses only the longest threads to weave her patterns, so each small piece of her fabric reveals the organization of the entire tapestry." ---(Richard Feynaman, The Character of Physical Law) 
"Light and matter are both single entities, and the apparent duality arises in the limitations of our language." ---(From "Introductory" in The Physical Principles of the Quantum Theory (1930) as translated by Carl Eckhart and Frank C. Hoyt, p. 10.)

Above we have some simple explanations and descriptions leaving some details out, but there is enormous potential in the H atom because of its fundamental and indissoluble connection to all other atoms of the Universe which each supply it with an EM Rope so that it can assume its form. If you see an H atom through all the atoms of the Universe then you see its potential.

And this is the 'miracle' of an H atom, as well as the genius hiding in Einstein's equation . Very abstract and lofty but IMPOSSIBLE to even begin to unravel without the assumption that all H atoms are somehow interconnected by an inordinately long subatomic object with unique properties and behaviors. With each successive location the atom assumes, it mysteriously reforms itself out of these subatomic objects, so that it's form remains consistent even as these subatomic objects are always shifting, adjusting, held together, and so on so that:

One the one hand the interior of a proton is a dynamic place, with things [threads] moving around. On the other hand all protons of everywhere and everywhen behave exactly the same way. (Wilczek, The Lightness of Being, p. 44, brackets mine)

Gravity: Atoms Shift their Constituent Fundamental Subatomic Objects

When an object is located at the surface of the star, gravity is strong between the two since there are many pairs of atoms effectively in tension with one another, generating pull with a net effect toward a center.  Hypothetically, one can calculate the number of fundamental subatomic objects connecting any two objects comprised of atoms by multiplying the number of atoms of the two.  With decreasing distance these fundamental subatomic become more and more effective in tension at steeper angles.

If we separate these two objects at great distances, gravity is weak. Gravity effectively flattens out. The reason is when any two objects are separated by great distances the atoms of the two cannot effectively tug on one another at any steep angle via the fundamental subatomic objects which mediate gravity (and light). They fan in so to speak. Their effectiveness is by comparison that of two H atoms with one effective 'line' of tension or what we call inertia. And this is also why distant stars appear as dots in the sky. The same fundamental subatomic object which generates gravity also works light between any two stars or any two atoms. And these all converge between any two distant stars as if a single 'line' between the two.

Gaede's Famous Illustration

The locality vs. non-locality debate is irrational. People are debating and discovering ideas that are WAY out of context.

When two stars are separated at great distances all their interconnecting mediators cannot possibly shift via their constituent atoms. Why? Simple geometry. Take two stars and separate them by a gazillion kilometers and draw straight lines between all their atoms. It doesn't matter how much their distance changes, there will only be a single 180 degree angle. But when they start getting within a few astronomical units of one another the angles will have changed as the mediators remain rectilinear. So what happens is that the atom has a way of instantaneously shifting the mediators when taking on a succession of locations. This shifting of the mediators is gravity. It presupposes that all the H atoms (or protons and neutrons) of the Universe are permanently connected by a fundamental subatomic object from which they all derive their form.  This fundamental subatomic object is like a double twined thread it is rectilinear:

As for the power by which the Sun seizes or holds the planets, and which, being corporeal, functions in the manner of hands, it is emitted in straight lines throughout the whole extent of the world, and like the species of the Sun, it turns with the body of the Sun; now, seeing that it is corporeal, it becomes weaker and attenuated at a greater distance or interval, and the ratio of its decrease in strength is the same as in the case of light, namely, the duplicate proportion, but inversely, of the distances [that is, 1/d²]. (Astronomia Philolaica, Ismael Bullialdus)

Bullialdus' "straight lines" is his way of saying there is a rectilinear mediator interconnecting all the atoms of the Sun and planets.  This is is an object.  What Gaede calls the EM Rope.  

The atomic shift of the mediators to instantaneously activate adjacent atoms and generate strength by numbers is different than light or radiation, but the same object is used in light. The atoms tap into these objects and they signal at a reaction that is the speed of light. And they do this AS the atom shifts them when two objects are at close distances.

Einstein never figured this ought. He instead caused more confusion with his bankrupt physical interpretations of bending spacetime.  His equations might work like Newton's of old, however it was in his physical interpretations of them that he blundered.  And now physicists are answering questions that are OUT OF CONTEXT and patting themselves on the back for this all while spending millions in public funds.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Gottlieb Frege Commentaries

Today I will resurrect some poignant quotes from Frege and others who have studied him. The most important aim to keep in mind with this is that Frege was on the verge of understanding how to resolve the ontology of the nominal referent which is IMHO, THE, if not one of the pinnacles of philosophy, critical thinking and all those good healthy practices expected from a tried and true intellectual. He didn't quite figure it out, but later another would come up with the way.

Frege Quotes

This is taken from Frege's article titled ‘On Sense and Reference’

Now languages have the fault of containing certain expressions which fail to designate an object (although grammatical form seems to qualify them for that purpose) . . .

Comment: Some words refer to a concept, conceived by a human, however they are surreptitiously used in a syntactical grammar AS IF they refer to objects. Understanding HOW to resolve this distinction is of the utmost important when processing communication ESPECIALLY in a study of fundamental physics. Understanding this distinction will also help lead to an ultimate appreciation of objects and their essential role in brain works.

Continuing Frege says:

So language brands a concept as an object, since the only way it can fit the designation for a concept into its grammatical structure is as a proper name. But in so doing, strictly speaking it falsifies matters. (Gottlob Frege, 1892a, 168-69)
Comment: I would not say it falsifies matters, since validation/verification of statements is another matter that is subjectively performed by humans. I would say in doing so renders that expression irrational, contradictory or at best figurative. Now we treat concepts as if they were objects all the time. This uncanny ability is proper to humans. And yet in a rigorous intellectual setting such as physics, these matters must be clarified for the sake of communication, sanity, consistency, honesty, and helping to produce brilliant, rational assumptions, theories, conclusions, etc.

Quotes from Studies on Frege

From Philosophy of Language and Logical Theory by Khatchadourian (p.309-11)

A concept-word, according to Frege, is predicative; it is a possible grammatical predicate of a range of otherwise different sentences. To predicate a concept-word of a grammatical subject is to relate a concept to a logical subject, i.e. to an object. Another way of saying this is that to predicate a concept of an object is to state that the object falls under the concept. The predicative character of concepts is what Frege calls “incompleteness” of concepts. In terms of this the difference between a concept and an object is that an object falls under a concept but that the converse is impossible. “An equation is reversible; an object’s falling under a concept is irreversible

Comment: So concepts are based in objects. Frege never figured out why: objects have form, concepts lack form.  Concepts refer to relations between two or more objects worked out by the brain. Concepts are based on objects, but objects are not based on concepts. An object has the referent of Form independent of our conception or perception. The referent of Form is inseparable from an object. So for example the form of that object across the street named woman does not rely on our seeing it or on our naming it ‘woman’. Now this might sound trite or petty semantics but I assure everyone that understanding how to resolve the ontology of word referent in all contexts can help enable one to accomplish immense intellectual tasks for example:

1. Ability to discern and interpret figures of speech, and perhaps learning how to conceive of one’s own figures
2. Ability to interpret obscure and difficult texts, etc.
3. Ability to understand the roots of all languages. All languages have their roots in objects.
4. Identifying intellectual charlatans who make millions even billions off of concepts that refer to nothing in reality
5. Enabling one to see through intellectual hogwash and acquire a sort of natural wisdom.
6. Initiating intellectual revolutions in self and others
7. Appreciating the great value of existing objects and understanding that a dynamic concept such as love will never happen or even be conceived without that object named woman who grew up down the road from you. Thus one would imagine that this woman is very valuable and should be treated with great care and dignity. Understanding that without the two objects named man and woman and what they have the ability to do continues the human family. Understanding that objects such as food, clothes, water, house are more valuable than concepts such as money.
8. Understanding the great darkness and devolution of Western Civilization as it currently operates. Many are enslaved to, burdened and lost in the concepts conceived by themselves or others.
9. Understand how people manipulate each other via use of concepts.
10. Tracing back to the fundamental object that underlies and connects all existing atoms of the Universe and understanding that this fundamental object cannot possibly rely on a concept called space for its form.
11. Figuring out devishly difficult problems in physics such as what object may mediate gravity and light between stars and planet, how atoms work, what electron, proton, and neutron refer to, what sort of assumptions can we make about the fundamental entity, explaining fundamental interactions, exposing the wave-particle duality, balancing the continuity of all objects with their discontinuity, and so on.
12. Enable one to attain freedom of thought.

Continuing with Frege Study:

It seems to follow from this that “completing” a concept can be regarded as stating that a given object falls or does not fall under the concept. We “complete” ‘() conquered Gaul’ by ‘Julius Caesar’, when we state that Julius Caesar falls under the concept conquered Gaul, i.e. when we make the statement ‘Julius Caesar conquered Gaul’.

Comment. We base the concept ‘conquered Gaul’ on Julius Caesar. Without the referent of Julius Caesar the conquering of Gaul would have never happened. Frege took a sort of . . . how do I want to say this . . . backwards approach to solving these problems.
. . .

Concepts are attributes. Hence what we have said about the “incompleteness” of concepts, put in terms of this notion, is that attributes are “incomplete” in isolation from objects. Another way of saying this is that attributes, in order to be attributes at all, have to be attributes of objects. An attribute is “completed” when it is related to an object, is thought of as attributed to the object [objects precede concepts]. Relations [also concepts], which are in a similar position, are functions with two arguments, i.e. are doubly “incomplete”, and so require two objects to be “completed”. Speaking about concepts Frege says:"It is clear that a concept cannot be represented independently as an object can but that it can occur only in combination. One can say that a concept can be distinguished out of it. All apparent contradictions which one can come upon here result from treating a concept as an object, contrary to its incomplete nature. (Uber die Grundlagen der Geometrie)"
Black says that this suggests that Frege’s contention that functions (and so concepts) are “incomplete” is that “it is logically impossible to make a function the subject of an assertion” (p. 246).

Comment: Obviously attributes and relations lack form and cannot possibly exist. Attributes and relations refer to our thoughts about objects. Attribute refers to a comparison of objects. What does this thing have or not have in comparison to that thing. What can this thing do that another cannot do. Attribute is a subcategory of concept. Once we establish a category Concept by resolving the ontology of the word-referent i.e. asking whether or not the referent has form, we see that one can modify the Concept category into many subcategories.

So, concepts refer to a relation between two or more objects worked out by the brain. A concept is 'incomplete' without a minimum of at least two objects since one of those objects is the man conceiving the relation or at least two neurons consummating the relation in the brain of the man.

Frege began to understand the hierarchical relation between objects and concepts. Objects precede concepts. Without objects there would be no events (moving relations, syn: phenomena, happening, etc), no perceptions completed by sense organs of humans, animals and possibly plant, no conceptions completed by the brain, no verbs, etc. Verbs refer to what we think objects do. The woman sings . . . stars illuminate and gravitate. How they do this is a matter of explanation and we may have to suppose an un-perceivable object such as air or invisible mediators so as to explain the action. But it is contradictory to make a verb or a grammatical function the subject of a sentence because then it is treated as an object. Verbs, attributes, or relations CANNOT perform actions or reactions. Objects perform causal relations and undergo change effects via objects and this makes our conception of verbs possible and it is rational to acknowledge this order.

With objects all we can possibly do is name them, assume them, draw them and explain how they work in relation to other objects. Naming refers to a dynamic concept completed by a human and can be traced directly to the object that is named (to that which has Form). We also have the tricky ability to perform the work of naming our conceptions, our brainworks. We name our brain works, to organize, develop and stimulate our brains and also so as to communicate directly with other objects such as humans and animals. Naming concepts modifies objects, describes them, etc. This name can indirectly trace back to the objects of our brains (atoms, electrons, neurons, connectors, etc.) performing causal relations and undergoing change effects in the referred concept or to objects of our environment remembered and used in the conception. The name of our conception serves as a placeholder for the objects of our environment we conceived in a relation via our sensory organ or the objects of our brain performing the work called conception and serves to modify, describe, explain the objects. So we perceive water molecules, remember their locations, think and name that thought wave. Wave is what an object does. Wave does not refer to an object. We can trace back wave to objects even if these objects are no longer perceivable or even imperceivable.

If we conceive an abstract concept such as Universe then we can trace back that abstraction to a nest of all existing objects and the static separation we conceived (space). If we do not at least make note of this, then we may begin to think that our conceptions literally have form and perform causal relations and undergo change effects when clearly this is impossible because our conceptions are already the objects of our brains performing causal relations and undergoing change effects. And bye the bye, we are always conceiving. So naming our conception is sort of a convenient illusion to stimulate our brains, understand and communicate. It is the goal of intellectual life to master this stimulation and not become a slave to this work or use this work to deceive others, lord it over others, or swindle others.

But the reverse is impossible. An object cannot possibly refer to or resolve to a concept.

Our intellectual activities better end on objects that have forms and hopefully exist. In a strict intellectual environment objects should never be used as a concept or vice versa: Concepts should not be treated as objects. When all is said and done, two or more objects induce concepts or make concepts possible. Frege took a sort of negative approach and never completely solved the problem because he failed to understand that Form resolves the ontology of the word referent (does the nominal referent have Form? Yes or No???) Form is the most important name in all philosophy. It is in a category all its own. The Sun, Moon, Stars, atoms, the fundamental object underlying all atoms and the woman or man across the street all had their unique Form and performed their actions before you saw them, remembered them or thought about them.

Frege also wrote an article "On Concept and Object" (1892a) where he struggles with the contradiction that "the concept horse is not a concept". Had he known how to resolve the ontology of the word referent he would have solved some of his own problems.

All names, first and foremost refer to conceptions, verbs, or brain-works performed by a human. Its what we do! These either directly refer to an Object (that which has Form) or indirectly to two or more objects embodied by the brain in a relation with the aim of understanding, communication, praxis, organization, etc, in other words Concept.

Syntax follows this rational order, however for whatever reason, because we are free, i.e. not bound by artificial laws of syntax or of logic, because we are creative, because we are freaks of Nature or children of God, we break these laws all the time and switch the order treating referred concepts AS IF they were objects. Thus we need to parse sentences and discern communication so as to make sense of what the author meant to convey. In other words we resolve the context. If the author is confused we should be able to figure this out rather quickly by using these conceptual tools at our disposal.

From object, form, and concept we can graduate to exist. Exist refers to an object that stands out. Exist implies three dimensions (length, width, height) however these are measurements and whether or not an object exists has nothing to do with our act of measuring. The Sun had Form and existed before any human came along to observe it and measure it. Another possible definition of exist is that which has Form and Location. With this enlightened understanding we can clearly see that 1D, 2D, 4D objects of geometry cannot possibly exist or be used in assumptions, explanations and conclusions in physics. Geometry is a nihilistic religion.

Concept lacks Form and so is automatically disqualified from existence. This does not entail that Concept does not HAPPEN, however these dynamic concepts must ALWAYS be performed or worked by objects that exist.