Thursday, October 7, 2021

My Prayers to the Holy Angels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael

There is a lot of evil these days.  Sometime last year I realized that I do my work on my own anymore.  So I began to pray to Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.  I firmly believe they have helped my life to become more peaceful with less disturbances.  Its a war with evil out there.  These blessed Angels want to help us and to exercise their power on Earth.  And yet if we do not ask them, they cannot as much as they would like.  That is what I think.  We must ask, we must pray.      

The first prayer is the one Pope Leo XIII composed.  The second and third to Gabriel and Raphael I composed for lack of popular prayer I could turn too.  The fourth is an add on I will sometimes conclude with.  

Saint. Michael, the archangel, defend us in battle.  Be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil.  May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou O prince of the heavenly hosts:  Cast into Hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world, seeking the ruin of souls.  Amen

Saint Gabriel, archangel of the Annunciation, you are the power of God elected from the heavenly hosts to request of the Virgin Mary the conception of Jesus.  Please come down and take special care of the Church dedicated to this sublime event.  Please ensure that the light of love of Jesus and Mary may always be with us and that we may live in their love and light forever.  Amen.  

Saint Raphael, illustrious archangel of the heavenly court, you are the medicine of God, famous for your blessed mission to Tobias, your healing powers at the pool as well as all the help you have given to Christians of all ages:  Please come down and intercede for me at my side.  Heal me of the many infirmities which afflict my body and of my soul for the sole purpose that I may be a pure and wholesome gift to the Divine Spouse, Jesus Christ, for whom I was created.  Amen.  

Holy Angels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael:  Great commanders of the heavenly hosts and patrons to mankind; lions protecting the holy ones on Earth.  Thank you so very much for all of your help.  Free us from evil and enable us to offer the pure sacrifice that is Jesus and all of His Sacraments in peace and freedom, in holy reverence and joy.  Amen.