Monday, December 9, 2019

The Keys to Philosophy and Physics: Object, Form, Existence, Concept, Referent

Dear Reader.  Sit back, relax (grab a drink if that is what you do) and enjoy my epic article on Philosophy and Physics.  If you assimilate these ideas well, I promise you, you will never see God and the world the same as before.  The philosophy and physics articles will resume after Christmas and New Year's.  Fare thee well.  Happy Holy Days.  

 'Tis but thy name that is my enemy; thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot, nor arm, nor face, nor any other part belonging to a man. O, be some other name! What's in a name? (Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet: Juliet soliloquy)
"It may, perhaps, come to this in time," observed Monte Cristo; "You know human inventions march from the complex to the simple, and simplicity is always perfection." (Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo).

Do not winnow in every wind, or follow every path. Stand firm for what you know, and let your speech be consistent. (Sirach 5:9-10)


Physics has its roots in ontology. Ontology is a philosophical study of radical names such as object, matter, form, existence, concept, referent. We need to learn how to resolve the ontology of word referents and commit to a clear, precise, consistent and non-contradictory definitions of key strategic terms that will make or break our entire study of physics. In order to do this we need to dig deep and resolve the referred meaning of these radical names: object, matter, form, existence, concept, referent.


In context of physics the name object is synonymous with the names entity, body, thing. Physics is first and foremost a study of objects. Object impart causal relations to objects via objects. And so physics is also a study of objects and their causal relations. 

Before we can even begin to understand dynamic concepts such as light, gravity, electricity, magnetism, heat, ionization and atomic motion we better understand what an object refers to and how to distinguish an object from a concept so as to identify possible ontological contradictions.

The antonym of Object is Concept. All words can be separated into two distinct categories by way of their resolved ontology: Object and Concept. We resolve the ontology of the name referent by thoroughly understanding and committing to a perfect definition of the names Object and Form.

Object refers to that which has Form.

Matter is an ambiguous and ill-defined Concept passed down by Greeks. Matter refers to the set of objects or set of existing objects, say from atoms and the fundamental objects which constitute and interconnect them all to the stars.

Form: Introduction

Philosophy is the study of concepts and of reasons. Form is the most important name in all philosophy. It is even more important than the name Existence. Form is the first requirement of objecthood. Form is a primary quality of all objects. Children understand this quality very quickly by perceiving objects that stand out in their environment. Understanding Form is the epitome of education. In intellectual life it doesn't get any more radical than the name Form. Get used to it. This is the future.

Some synonyms of Form are shape, figure, structure, architecture, configuration, pattern.

Why is the word Form so important? The word Form is used to resolve the ontology of the word referent (that which the word refers to). We can only lump word referents into two possible categories:

1. Object
2. Concept

What we as humans are able to do is name objects and concepts. Obviously we then use these names in thinking and discourse. However the only way we have of discerning whether or not these names relate back to objects or to concepts is through the name Form. Does the word referent have Form??? Yes or no? Answer me this right here and now. If yes then the word refers to an Object. If no then the word refers to Concept.

Form allows us to perform a critical analysis of any given discourse. Form allows us to discover stealthily placed figures of speech and contradictions. Form leads one to intellectual heaven because this simple name forces one to take account for the endless spill of words coming out of everyone's mouth.

Unfortunately, with the development of the human race we have lost sight of the fact that we are constantly naming objects and concepts thus there is confusion over what a name refers to. Some treat objects as concepts or vice versa. What is even worse some literally assign motion to concepts (e.g. time moves, space moves, waves perform actions, fields perform actions, etc.) and except to be taken seriously. So in these tumultuous intellectual times we need the word Form to lead us out of the darkness.

What Does Form Refer To?

In ontology or generally for the ancient disciplines of philosophy and physics, the name Form has a specialized meaning. Form has nothing to do with an observer and his opinion. It is not as if we are looking at Florence Welch on stage at the Nobel Peace Prize banquet and thinking to ourselves: "She has a nice form". She may, but ‘nice’ implies opinion and observer. Form in this radical ontological context has nothing to do with appearance, opinion, observer or measurement. Mother Nature doesn't care about these.

Form is a root name that relates what is observer INDEPENDENT. An object has form regardless of whether anyone so happens to look at it, measure it or even think about it. The Sun had Form before the first human observed it, thought about it, measured it, calculated it, or theorized about it.

Form is what we call a native (innate) and intrinsic (inseparable) property of an object. An intrinsic property is what an object has of itself, independent of the observer. In contrast, extrinsic properties depend on an object's relationship with other objects, especially a human who serves as an observer. Some examples of extrinsic properties are size, color, dimension (length, width, height), taste, volume, weight, etc. Back in the day, extrinsic properties were called accidents. Extrinsic properties require connected objects and an observer to determine, yet Form, an intrinsic property, requires no observer, human or otherwise. Objects do not acquire Form through human opinion! God no.

Form is the single innate and intrinsic property that belongs to all objects without exception. Even God has Form. Form is the one property that relates the object itself from its immediate surrounding. How an object takes on its Form is given in a Theory but this is irrelevant here.

How do we define Form?

Form refers to a what. ('what' functions as a placeholder)
Form refers to what is bound.
Form refers to what is bound from the immediate surrounding.

The 'what' that is bound is considered holistically, as a whole, as one. In conceptualization one may reify space (treat a concept 'space' as an object) so as to understand Form however in reality it can only be an all encompassing fundamental object that imparts form to atoms or which is inherent to an atom's Form and this fundamental object does not rely on a concept called space for it's Form. More below).

The name Bound plays prominently in this definition so some synonyms of bound are demarcated, separated, differentiated, contained, defined, delimited, etc. Objects need no definition since they are defined of themselves. IN contrast concepts always need definition because they refer to relational activity rooted in the brain. God knows what is happening between most people's ears.

Notice in so called 2D objects like squares and circles it is impossible to imagine anything that is bound, contained, demarcated, separated, delimited, differentiated, etc. So in response some people calls these abstract or imaginary objects. The fact that nothing is contained implies that these abstract 2D object CANNOT POSSIBLY EXIST. And so you see the nihilistic religion called geometry begins to be exposed with these definitions.

Form refers to a what, i.e. what is contained in context to the object in question, itself. What is included or excluded is a matter of context. Form always implies a boundary or boundaries. How those boundaries are set, how an object such as a star assumes its Form, or what imparts form to an object in question is made manifest in a Hypothesis and Theory.

The History of Form

Thinkers from time immemorial have brainstormed for a more thorough understanding of the name Form. And some have even flirted with a perfect understanding of the name Form. All of these quotes are somewhat useful. Please note that the words thing, body, corporeal, matter are basically synonymous with Object. A more refined definition of matter is the set of existing objects.

Historical Thinkers On Form:

by form I mean the essence of each thing, and its primary substance -- Aristotle, (Metaphysics, Ch. 7)

For the form cannot desert matter, because it is inseparable from it and matter itself cannot be deprived of form -- Robert Grosseteste (On Light)

The first corporeal form is in my opinion light ---Grosseteste (On Light)

The chief point of divergence is that for Grosseteste matter is not pure potency, as it was for Aristotle, but possesses in its own right a certain minimal reality. (Riedl, Clare C. (Translator) Notes on Grosseteste)

Form, that is to say, the first corporeal form, or light, is in his view more than the 'form of corporeity,' the principle of extension, it is also a principle of activity. . . The intrinsic principle from which this motion or activity proceeds must be the form . . . (From Notes on Grosseteste)

Light furnishes therefore the principle of continuity in nature, for as the first corporeal form it is common to all things in the universe from the lowest of the elements, earth, up to and including even the firmament. Thus 'all things are one by the perfection of one light.' (From Notes on Grosseteste)

For where there is no shape nor order, nothing either cometh or goeth -- Augustine (Confessions, Book 12, Ch. 9)

where there is no form there can be no distinction between "this" or "that” -- Augustine (Confessions, Book 12, Ch. 13)

The term 'body' [object] therefore can signify that which has such a form as allows the determination of three dimensions in it, prescinding from everything else, so that from that form no further perfection may follow. If anything else is added, it will be outside the meaning of body thus understood. (Aquinas, On Being and Essence) [in other words there are extrinsic and artificial properties that we relate but these cannot define an object. Only form can define an object]

The term body [object] can also be taken to mean a thing having a form such that three dimensions can be counted in it, no matter what the form may be . . . (Aquinas, On Being and Essence)

Now matter and form are so related that form gives being to matter (Aquinas, On Being and Essence) [in other words all objects in the set named matter have the native-inherent property called form and this may qualify them under the category existence].

Matter then cannot exist without some form but there can be a form without matter (Aquinas, On Being and Essence) [in other words he realized that there is a fundamental form that underlies the set of objects, i.e. matter].

As Avicenna says, "The quiddity of a simple substance is the simple entity itself," (Aquinas, On Being and Essence) [in other words there is a fundamental object that belongs to all objects in the set of matter and this object is what is bound of itself]

A boundary is that which is an extremity of anything. (Aristotle, Metaphysics)

A figure is that which is contained by a boundary or boundaries.” (Euclid, Elements)

the knowledge of the universal consents of things …. I … understand as the science which applies the knowledge of hidden forms to the production of wonderful operations; and by uniting (as they say) actives with passives, displays the wonderful works of nature. (Francis Bacon IV, 366–7: De Augmentis III.5)

Who existing in the form of God, did not consider being equal with God something to be grasped (Saint Paul) [Even God has Form].

A complete answer would amount to a history of thought, for in one sense everything possesses form. In some contexts the Greek words Eidos, Schema, and Morphe, and the Latin word Forma, which are often translated as “form” mean no less than “the qualities which make anything what it is.” (Notes from Accent on Form by Whyte)

Around 1250 we find Thomas Aquinas regarding forma as the essential quality or determining principle of every individual thing. (Notes on Accent on Form by Whyte)

But more importantly, shape is what an object has before light even reaches our eyes from the object. (Fatfist, Physics--What is Shape and Why Does it Define an Object?)

Ultron to Jarvis: Where is your body?Jarvis to Ultron: I am a program. I have no form. (From Avengers: Age of Ultron)

All of these thinkers basically understood that Form goes hand in hand with Object. Object and Form are inseparable. It is impossible for an Object not to have Form. Without Form there is no Object. An Object without Form is irrational, inconceivable and impossible.

These thinkers may not have agreed on their definition of Form and of course there is a never-ending inter-generational brainstorms and debates over these ontological concepts, however it is easy to see that Form was a pivotal name wed to Object.

The buck stops at Form. Form is the Res Ipsa Loquitur (the thing itself speaks). Once we have understood the name Form there is no circling back to concepts in a perfect understanding and definition of the name Object. Object and Form are inseparable. Form belongs to all Objects. Lack of Form = Concept. Obviously attributes and relations lack form and cannot possibly exist. Attributes and relations refer to our thoughts about objects. Attribute refers to a comparison of objects. What does this thing have or not have in comparison to that thing. What can this thing do that another cannot do.

Form is a primary attribute that all objects have and that distinguishes all objects from concepts. Form has no quality, property, or attribute. Once we have conceived Form there are no more conceptual relations in regards to the Object. To suggest so much is patently circular and contradictory. A quality does not have a quality. Property does not have property. Attribute does not have attribute.

Robert Grosseteste (First Corporeal Form = Minimal Reality)

I placed Grosseteste's quotes near the top since of all these historical thinkers he seemed to be the one who was onto something. His meditations spring up from his work with light. I suggest that perhaps in its most restricted usage the name Form is synonymous with what Grosseteste calls the 'minimal reality'. This minimal reality is basically the same as his 'first corporeal form', Aristotle's 'primary substance' and Avicenna's 'simple entity'. Lets call this the assumed fundamental subatomic object.

In the most radical context of physics it is this assumed Fundamental Object that belongs to all objects in the set named Matter. When these thinkers first conceived their concepts and named they had no clue as to what the First Corporeal Form may be. And so they came up with a host of names such as substance, essence, etc. Since then we have narrowed the search down to atoms and subatomic objects constituting atoms as well as mediating light and gravity between all atoms. Now we are a little more advanced, so we can make a reasonable and safe assumption as to what the assumed fundamental object may be. And we think this assumption without the need for any validation or verification (for our perception begins on objects of our environment comprised of atoms, and this fundamental object mediates our perceptions and observations of objects). Then we will use this assumption to redefine and restrict the usage of Form and Existence for the purposes of physics.

Grosseteste thought that this fundamental object was light. Light of course refers to a concept, and so cannot possibly be a fundamental object. Ontology aside, I think what he was really after were that object which mediates light (and gravity) to and from all atoms. This fundamental object converges from all atoms of the Universe, so that a single hydrogen atom (proton or neutron) may assume its Form. Notice what I said. I said that the objects that mediate light and gravity between all atoms are one and the same from which all atoms assume their form. This is the only reasonable  way of reality and this simple statement is hidden in Einstein's famous E=mc2 equation.  

Now let us take a step back and reanalyze the definitions of Object and Form:

Object: that which has Form
Form: that which is bound from the immediate surrounding

In EM Rope Hypothesis and Thread Theory the immediate environment is gazillions of double stranded Threads converging into Neutrons or Hydrogen Atoms that belong to an object such as the Sun. It is this Thread that serves as the source of continuity in the set of objects called matter whereas atoms, protons, neutrons and electrons are critical matrices of Thread. Atoms serve as the limit of Thread. Thread serves as the limit of Atoms. Atom does not equal Thread, Thread does not equal atom. There is inequality between atoms and thread and yet one cannot have one without the other. Thread is continuous, Atoms are in a sense discontinuous and yet derived from the Thread. Atoms could be thought of as a critical abundance of Thread. A Critical Abundance of Thread refers to an intersection, overlap or superposition of Thread through which no more Thread may penetrate. This is how we don't simply fall through the Earth via gravity.

In some subatomic features these Critical Thread Densities are temporary since if all the Hydrogen atoms of the Universe are permanently connected by Thread there would presumably be an extraneous superposition of Thread on all Hydrogen atoms fused and clustered together say for example in a star. And yet a Critical Abundance of Thread or Atoms are radically distinct and unequal to Thread. They are discrete and yet derived in the the one Thread which is continuous.

It is assumed all the atoms of the Universe are connected and comprised of a taut, rectilinear twined Thread. The Thread is common to all objects in the set named matter just like Grosseteste thought. It is this physical mediator of light and gravity that belongs to all objects in the set named matter.

In summary: When we say that an Object is that which has Form; Form in this radical ontological context is a name that refers to what is contained. It is impossible, inconceivable and irrational for an Object not to have Form. This has nothing to do with a subjective observer's opinion, thought or act of measurement. Mother Nature herself taught us Form, so to speak. The Sun had form before any of us observed it. In context to the Sun, Form refers to what belongs to the Sun before it's light even reaches us. The Form of the Sun refers to what is contained namely all of its atoms and neutrons patterned by a crisscrossing convergence of the First Form, the Thread.

When we think and trace back to the First Form, this is bound of itself. The referent of First Form doesn't need an idea called space to contour it. The First Form is self-contained. Res ipsa loquitur.

Does God Have Form?

Yes even God has Form. This would seem obvious but in a world now ruled by concepts, it seems that more than ever the conceptual aspect of God is emphasized at the expense of his objecthood. St. Paul clearly teaches that God has Form:

[Christ Jesus] who, being in the form of God, thought [it] not robbery to be equal to God,

The word English word 'form' is translated from the Greek word 'morphe'. Morphe unequivocally means form. I do not care how many word games one plays you will never get around the fact that 'morphe' means form. Saint Paul was writing to the Philippians who spoke Greek. So we can assume Saint Paul and the God who inspired him intended to use the word morphe with profundity.

Existence and form are two closely related concepts. Notice the wording of Philipians:

who, being in the form of God (YLT)
who, existing in the form of God (KJV)
who was in the form of God (NAB)

All objects have form and if they exist they certainly have a location. God meets these requirements. God has form. God is located in the discrete object known as Heaven. Heaven is detached or set apart from all objects of matter that is the atoms and the fundamental objects that mediate light and gravity to and from all atoms and which all atoms also derive their form from.

Form in this context refers to an intrinsic quality. It does not refer to an extrinsic quality such as appearance, look, color, etc. Form is a quality that is observer independent. Form is a quality that an object has of itself, independent of other objects or comparative relations. So God has a form independent of anyone in Heaven observing God. And God has a form prior to God creating all the objects in the set called matter. God's Form and Existence require Faith.

God is bounded from His immediate surroundings. He has some type of singular face delineating Him from all other objects. If this were not the case God would be a pantheistic God. When the just are assumed into Heaven they do not spill into God, and God does not spill into them. Rather they are initiated into an immediate relationship with God within a real object called Heaven. They see Him face to face with no go bet-weens. Still God is bound from the environment of Angels and Saints in Heaven. Otherwise how could a face to face relation be possible? The Angels and Saints do not morph into God, and God does not morph into the Angels and Saints or atoms, trees, stars, etc.

Even when the Holy Spirit is sent and resides within a human, he still retains his unique form. He relates intimately to that human form, more so that any two humans can possibly relate but he retains his own form. The Holy Spirit is superposed with the soul and body of a human in sanctifying grace and this is similar to how the fundamental subatomic object behaves. And yet again in spite of this mystical superposition, He, the Spirit still retains his singular form.

What is the form of God? I don't know. I've never seen Him. God is not of atoms or the fundamental subatomic objects. God has a supernatural form. He is not of the same stuff of Angels or human souls. But these are in his image and likeness. God's Form is a Trinity so it could be described as One Form yet Three Forms. Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich described God like a sphere within a sphere within a sphere. So there are Three Divine Forms yet One Divine Form. It is sort of like how all the fundamental subatomic objects converge and superpose to form a single atom. They are many, and yet one as we will see below.

The Fundamental Subatomic Object or First Form

For it was not impossible for your all-powerful hand, that formed all things from unknown material, to send forth upon them a multitude of bears, or fierce lions, (From the Book of Wisdom 11:18)
Everyone wants to know what the Fundamental Object or First Form is, but in this most radical of all physical contexts all we can possibly do is describe it. In terms of physics, once one gets to the fundamental object there is nothing left to justify, posit or explain. In supposition the hypothesized Thread just is. Even our basic physical notions such as the action-reaction principle spring up from this supposed First Form.

What is It?

I noticed that many throughout history have traced back to what is called a fundamental object or fundamental entity or simple entity, or first form or minimal reality. These are all basically synonyms. This fundamental object imparts form to all objects, contains all objects, separates all objects, differentiates all objects etc. from the H atom to the most massive star. We call this fundamental entity the Thread. It is called Thread, because if we could see it (which is impossible because it mediates light) it would appear similar to our macro Thread. We have this Thread assumed to be the finest object in existence. The Thread stands out on its own. The Thread is rectilinear and double stranded, transforming itself into an atom.  The Thread is 3D. Height and Width is extremely tiny. Length is immeasurable. It is impossible to trace a beginning or end to the Thread other than the atom itself which it converges on and constitutes.

The Thread has Form, a wholly unique Form unlike any of the other objects we consider such as man, woman, horse, star, etc. The Thread is uniform, monolithic, always the same, never changes its Form. It is indestructible to all except God Himself. It is to some degree God like. A little reflection of God.

What I noticed with this fundamental object is that it is impossible to imagine anything imparting Form to the Thread unless some sort of miracle happened as in God creating the Thread ex nihilo. Space, a devious relational activity of the brain CANNOT possibly impart Form to the Thread or any Object whatsoever. The Thread is self-contained. Its just there. The thing speaks for itself. And it doesn't change Form because the referent of Form or the 'what' that is bound in context to Thread never changes. What the Thread is made out of never changes. Physicists and philosophers figured this out hundreds of years ago but they had no assumed object called Thread. Modern Physicists and Cosmologists tend to ignore the wisdom of the past. In their never ending race of discovery, fame, fortune and funding they have failed to realize that all of these hundreds of new particles are really just minor disturbances and manifestations of one and the same fundamental subatomic object at work everywhere.  And no one is the wiser. 

It is interesting: what is bound in reference to Thread is almost the same as saying what the Thread is made of. It's essence, its substance. That I or anyone else does not know. One would have to fly up to Heaven and ask God. But we can call it any name we choose. Call it Gaedium.

The Thread is what they call topologically invariant. The Thread retains its Form even when it is impinged upon by atoms. When atoms assume two or more locations (in other words move) they rather mysteriously reform themselves by this thread while retaining their inherent connection to all other atoms of the Universe. A single hydrogen atom has a fundamental subatomic double stranded threadlike object ending on every other hydrogen atom of the Universe. An atom tapping into the double stranded threads is a light event and this serves as the constant action/equal and opposite reaction needed to sustain inertia as well as gravity non-locally across the Universe between all atoms as well as between those in close proximity. This is why mass and velocity of light squared are wed together on the right side of Einstein's equation.


There is another enigmatic property of the Thread which we can call superposition or light on light. Thread can pass through Thread to a critical abundance or maximum number. These overlaps serve as locations of fundamental interactions such as light, fusions, chemical bonding, electricity and magnetism. When a threaded feature of the atom attains critical abundance of Thread a sort of anomaly happens either moving the Thread or locking it into place. Thread connecting atoms gets disturbed, etc. But in between atoms and stars Thread intersects, superposes, and overlaps Thread. This was first understood by Grosseteste, then by Huygens, and finally by Maxwell. Although these thinkers were still stuck in the darkness of concepts such as field, wave, light, etc. They never pinned down the problem thoroughly enough before another figured it out namely Gaede in 1997. Here are some quotes:

Maxwell: “ Equation (361) for the electromagnetic field is linear in the field,… this means that two waves can travel through each other without disturbing each other” 
“ Here then we have two independent qualities of bodies, one by which they allow of the passage of electricity through them, and the other by which they allow of electrical action being transmitted through them without any electricity being allowed to pass.” (J. Maxwell, On Physical Lines of Force, Philosophical Magazine 21 (1861)) 
Huygens: “ Another property of waves of light, and one of the most marvelous, is that when some of them come from different or even from opposing sides, they produce their effect across one another without any hindrance…the waves do not destroy nor interrupt one another when they cross one another” (C. Huygens, Treatise on Light (1678) trans. S. Thompson (1912) p. 22) 
Grosseteste: "Corporeity, therefore, is either light itself or the agent which performs the aforementioned operation and introduces dimensions into matter in virtue of its participation in light, and acts through the power of this same light. But the first form cannot introduce dimensions into matter through the power of a subsequent form. Therefore light is not a form subsequent to corporeity, but it is corporeity itself. . .
Professor Richard A. Mueller (Berkeley): The amazing thing about gravity is that it goes RIGHT THROUGH THINGS; more effectively than even neutrinos. You are pulling, RIGHT NOW, on the atoms of the other side of the Earth. (From Gravity and Satellites)

If the hypothesized Thread performs the dynamic concept called light conceived as torsion waves then this fundamental object or first form can superpose, overlap, pass through, intersect etc. without hindrance, interruption, disturbance, tangling, etc. It is only when we have an intersection or overlap of a maximum abundance of Thread at a given location that Thread may get disturbed, hindered, stopped, redirected, etc. This critical overlap is exemplified by proton, neutron, and electron which are basically supposed as a convergence (proton, neutron) or overlapping alignment (electron) of gazillions of Threads, perhaps even 3 times that of all base Hydrogen atoms (protons) of Universe. These nodes of critical thread abundance are discontinuous, they are matrices, they are radically distinct, and unequal to the Thread and yet derived in the Thread which is continuous.

Musings of Werner Heisenberg

The famous physicist Werner Heisenberg wrestling with notions that the fundamental subatomic object constitutes all atoms in the set called matter.  In his honesty he was at a loss for words on how to describe what his mathematical descriptions led him to believe.  And so what he thinks is very close to what we covered above only he was not equipped with a clear philosophical basis and language with which to express his ideas.  He was a pro at Mathematics, but Math alone cannot elucidate Mother Nature; especially at the most radical level which we cannot even see!  Here are some of his quotes:
Light and matter are both single entities, and the apparent duality arises in the limitations of our language. . . This state of affairs is best described by saying that all particles are basically nothing but different stationary states of one and the same stuff. (Heisenberg, Quantum Theory, 1930)

My Comment: Light and Matter both refer to concepts.  Light is a dynamic relation consummated by atoms and the fundamental subatomic objects interconnecting and constituting all atoms of the Universe.  The single entity is the fundamental subatomic object, the Thread.  The so called stationary states are temporary crisscrosses, overlaps, or superpositions of Thread which is a requirement for fundamental interactions such as light, fusion, electricity. 

Thus even the three basic building-stones have become reduced to a single one. (from Atomic Physics and Causal Law, from The Physicist’s Conception of Nature, Werner Heisenberg, 1958)

Comment: There is a single closed looped Thread underlying all atoms/protons, neutrons, electrons.

There is only one kind of matter but it can exist in different discrete stationary conditions. (From Atomic Physics and Causal Law, from The Physicist’s Conception of Nature, Werner Heisenberg, 1958)

Comment: The one kind of fundamental object, the Thread is continuous, but this Thread can establish what I call Critical Thread Abundances, which are not continuous, however derived in the one Thread. A Critical Abundance of Thread is an superpostion of Thread through which no more Thread may pass.  This is the proton.  Perhaps in what they call black holes at the center of galaxies, there is a sort of exotic object that is not an atom or a star, but has almost a continuous presence of Critical Thread Abundances.  And this is why star that travel into this unique object are torn apart.    

To some that a 3D object, albeit fundamental, could overlap up to a hypothetical critical abundance may seem ridiculous. But I suggest you understand the utter vanity of questioning this assumption. Thread overlapping, superposing or intersecting has nothing to do with the stated fact that Thread has Form and so refers to an Object, that we could hypothetically measure to length, width and height. Length, width and height depend upon an observer, but the Thread's unique property is observer independent and in addition does not require any sort of conceptualization from a human or the Thread itself for that matter. Thread overlapping is natural. It is unnatural for two trees to overlap because the atoms comprising the tree have attained a critical thread abundance which enables them to not pass through one another but rather repel one another.

I could just as easily come back at you and ask why do protons and electrons repel one another? How is it that you do not sink down to the center of the Earth this very moment? Its not because atoms are 3D. Oh no. An atom is a fullness of Thread converging from all the atoms of the Universe. The idea that atoms are mostly empty space thus you are mostly empty space is a ridiculous and unenlightened idea. Space refers to that which lacks form. An object cannot be made of mostly empty space. This is a stupid thought rooted in Rutherford and the planetary model of the atom. Rationale would seem to suggest that an atom or a human is a fullness of whatever fundamental entity comprises all matter. Wherever an atom or a human or a star is, there is an abundance of whatever it is that fundamentally comprises these and here we have that assumed as Thread. All one need do is get over the unique properties and behavior of this fundamental entity such as superposition.


People sometimes used to say that exist must be ambiguous because look at the difference between 'chairs exist' and 'numbers exist'. A familiar reply goes: the difference between the existence of chairs and the existence of numbers seems, on reflection, strikingly like the difference between numbers and chairs. Since you have the latter to explain the former, you don't also need 'exist' to be polysemic. (---Fodor, Concepts: Where Cognitive Science Went Wrong)

With some understanding of Object, Matter, Form and First Form we may graduate to Exist. Exist is the most important name in all physics. In order to study phenomena such as light, gravity, electricity and magnetism we need to invoke objects that exist.

The name existence comes from the Latin word exsistere. Exsistere literally means to stand out: the Latin prefix ex means out added to the Latin verb stare meaning to stand. Synonyms of existence are nature, perhaps real, be, presence, reality. I imagine that our Latin ancestors originally conceived 'EXISTENCE' because they rationally discerned between objects that stand out in their environment (existing objects) and dream objects, hallucinatory objects, imaginary objects, 2D geometric objects, hypothesized objects, etc.

The name Existence is what we could categorize as a static concept. This static concept is used to describe object/form. And in light of the literal Latin meaning and our thorough understanding of the name Form and First Form; Existence is easy to understand.

That which has Form, STANDS OUT.

Or if one wants to get even more radical:

That which has the First Form, STANDS OUT.

Existence refers to that which stands out. That which stands out implies three dimensions (length, width, and height), however these are measurements and whether or not an object exists does not rely on our act of measuring.

Forma and Existentia are two fundamental ways of describing Object. Form refers to what is contained and Existence refers to what stands out. Form refers to the 'What' from boundary to core, Existence refers to the 'What' from inside out.

In terms of physics Existence relates an Object contained out of Thread or the Thread itself. A configuration of Thread stands out.  Concepts lack form and so they are automatically disqualified from existence.  No a number does not exist.  Imaginary objects, abstract mathematical objects, and so on do not stand out because it is impossible to imagine them containing anything. In other words, in terms of physics they are NOT configured of the supposed 'first corporeal form' which Grosseteste made synonymous with the 'minimal reality' which we call the Thread. So in this conception, the primary qualifier of Existence would be Form and the secondary qualifier would be Thread.

So now let's apply these super restricted descriptions to the referent of Florence. The referent of Florence has Form. Thus the referent of Florence is an Object. The First Form belongs to the referent of Florence. A convergence of countless Twined Threads coming from all the atoms of the Universe pattern her body. The Threads either converge in abundance to form her atoms (or protons and neutrons). Thus the referent of Florence exists. She stands out.

Now one could opt for a broader but no less clear, consistent, unambiguous and non-contradictory definition of the name existence. Existence refers to an object that has location. That which has Form and location exist. Primary qualifier: Form. Secondary qualifier: Location. Existence invokes a WHAT (Object/Form) and a WHERE (Location). In other words exist relates something somewhere, a presence, a nature. Location is the set of static distances from an object to all other objects. This definition disqualifies all geometrical objects such as circles, squares, lines, etc. from existence as well as imaginary objects such as Bart Simpson. With this enlightened understanding of the word existence we can clearly see that 1D, 2D, or 4D objects of geometry cannot possibly exist or be used in assumptions, explanations and conclusions in physics. Geometry is a nihilistic religion.

I opt for the more radical and restricted definition of Existence because if an Object has the First Form it is (in my understanding) literally connected to all objects via the First Form. The Sun exists because it is comprised of a big ball of configured Thread coming out from all the atoms of the Universe. To have the First Form is to be connected to all physical objects in the set called matter. The Thread enables us to redefine some extrinsic qualities for the purposes of physics. Distance is really the length of an EM Rope connecting any two atoms. Location means an object is connected to all other objects by the supposed First Form twisted out from the atoms that belong to a particular object. Dimension describes a figure of Thread.

In summary here are some possible definitions of existence for the purposes of physics and philosophy:

that which has form and location
that which stands out
the Thread or that which is woven by the Thread

1D object, 2D images, fail on all accounts. Dream objects, hallucinatory objects and abstract objects also fail. 4D objects are impossible.

With object, matter, form, first form and existence in mind let us proceed to the radical name Concept.


The name Concept is the antonym of Object. To describe a Concept as an object, entity, or form is a terrible misnomer that causes confusion. A sheer contradiction. All concepts, without exception lack Form, let alone the First Form, thus Concepts do not refer to Objects, or Forms and of course are disqualified from Existence. (This Plato along with some Medieval philosophers failed to understand).

Again, Concept refers to a lack of Form. Concepts do not literally assume a Form. They have no Form. So called "Concept Formation" is poetry. Concepts are the antithesis of Objects. Some synonyms of concept are idea, notion, thought, abstraction, conception, conceit, cogitation, intellection, conceptualization, etc.

In the radical ontological context, Concept refers to a work of the brain, a brain-work. Concept refers to a motion of the brain, more specifically our neurons and on a more fundamental level atoms signaling to each other via fundamental objects. Our brains elaborate relations in service of understanding and then praxis or communication.

We process objects of our environment through our sense organs and by way of the brain we identify and associate relations between objects. We then treat these relations as if they were objects in an act of naming. We remember the names, trace the names, etc. Sometimes we use the same name to label many new concepts. Through the names we use the concepts that they refer to in recall and through communication. At this juncture of the human family we have gazillions of concepts traced out. Our concepts (brain works) have become increasingly complex and difficult to learn. In fact we are at a stage of micro-evolution where specialists learn and use a narrow set of concepts known only to those in their fields.

Concepts are relations. Relations can be classified into many categories but some basic modifiers are natural/artificial, intrinsic/extrinsic, and dynamic/static.

With this understanding we can define Concept as
a relation between two or more objects (worked out by the brain).
I added the parenthesis (worked out by the brain) because it does not seem clear to everyone that conceptions originate via the brain. We live in a time when concepts seem to take on a life of their own. People tend to be enslaved by concepts, so to speak. But this is not at all how it should be. Since it is us who continuously do the work called conceptualization till brain death, it is us who should have dominion over our concepts. And since it is us who conceive the onus is on us to define our concepts unambiguously and without contradiction.

All rational concepts can be traced back to at least two objects. Even the referent of a simple name such as 'Florence' can be traced back to the object who conceived the name usually Mom or Dad and the referred object of the name that is the baby.

All concepts are relational actions of the brain. The brain takes in objects of the environment through a sensory system and works a relation between objects. Some of these relations such as light and love work out naturally, others are artificial, man-made. A concept's meaning is defined by the user and sender. Concepts are not supposed to confuse or deceive . . . they are supposed to help. (Corollary: IMHO concepts worked out by the brain are ever new. Even familiar concepts are ever conceived anew. We almost continuously do the work of conception till death. This is why no two genuine discourses are ever the same unless we quote, copy, transcribe, etc.)

Some concepts could be described by the name 'abstract'. Abstract concepts are simply a nest of many related objects and/or concepts worked out by the brain. A classic example of an abstract concept is Universe or Cosmos. Universe is a binary conceptual system relating space and matter. Matter is the set of all existing objects, all things. Space relates lack of Form. I guess that an ancient got sick of saying, "All the trees, and all the hills and the seas, and all the men, women, and children, and all the stars, and space, etc." So he came up with the bright idea now called Universe or Cosmos. Universe lacks From, this name resolves to an idea.

But now some have gone and named the brain work called Universe into a pregnant Florence Welch with a curving belly. In other words, some have irrationally converted the abstract concept Universe, into an object of existence that can perform actions like curve and expand. Although we reify concepts such as space and matter, to perform a synthetic abstraction we must understand that the reification does not allow our concepts to exist and perform causal actions or undergo change effects. We reify concepts in the act of naming. We cannot relate to that which lacks Form, thus we do this almost preternatural trick of treating our brain-work as if it had form so as to name, use in understanding, consummate higher order abstractions, communicate and so on.

Obviously someone has mistaken Universe or Space, both names that resolve concepts, lacking form, not to mention the concepts of dark matter, dark energy, the Higg's Field, EM Field, quantum field, the sixty or so particles, energy, gravitational waves, gravity wells and so on and so forth ad nauseum etc. for the abundance of Twined Thread crisscrossing and connecting, converging and forming all the atoms and neutrons of existence.

Concepts Do Not Change

Concepts DO NOT change. The idea distance does not change. All the stars and galaxies are connected by the supposed First Form twined in a DNA like configuration. It is these supposed objects connecting the stars that change, and the stars themselves that change, not the idea distance. "Change of distance" does not happen in reality. Change of stars, galaxies and the supposed objects connecting them is the reality.

Since Concept refers to relational actions worked out by the brain by our neurons, atoms, mediators, etc. it is blatantly obvious that Concept lacks Form and so is automatically disqualified from Existence. In a radical ontological context, Concepts cannot possibly move since concepts are motions of the brain. Concepts cannot possibly perform causal actions or undergo change effects. (Note that this does not entail that Concept does not HAPPEN, however these dynamic concepts must ALWAYS be performed or worked by objects that exist.)

Onto-logically, strictly speaking, in a stern restricted manner, concepts cannot possibly change because concepts are what the existing objects of your brain DO. One is always conceiving anew. The objects of your brain are changing. When a human changes his ideas, it is not the ideas that change, it is the human who changes or the objects connected within the human that change. If one is thinking differently than he did as a child then his brain has evolved.  

Concepts cannot possibly change.
Only objects can possibly change.
Concepts cannot possibly move.
Only objects can possibly move.
Concepts cannot possibly perform actions (verbs)
Only objects can possibly perform actions.

And objects that exist are way more valuable and important than concepts. Objects are greater than concepts, e.g. food, an object is more important than economy, a concept.


Now languages have the fault of containing certain expressions which fail to designate an object (although grammatical form seems to qualify them for that purpose) . . . 
So language brands a concept as an object, since the only way it can fit the designation for a concept into its grammatical structure is as a proper name. But in so doing, strictly speaking it falsifies matters. (Gottlob Frege, 1892a, 168-69) 
"the concept horse is not a concept" (Gottlob Frege, 1892b)

A name is same as word. All names are first and foremost concepts. This is a matter that Frege could never quite work out. He understood that a horse is a concept and yet not a concept. But he never could solve the answer as to why. The name 'horse' is a Concept, but the name refers or relates Frege to that which has Form in other words an Object.

A referent is that which the name refers to. Names are conceived so as to refer the thinker or the audience to objects or to concepts. In other words we name objects and concepts. We establish an affinity with objects by our act of naming. With objects all we can possibly do is name them, assume them, draw them and explain how they work in relation to other objects. Naming refers to a dynamic concept completed by a human and can be traced directly to the object that is named (to that which has Form). We also have the tricky ability to perform the work of naming our conceptions. We name our brain works, to organize, synthesize abstractions, develop and stimulate our brains and also so as to communicate directly with other objects such as humans and animals. Naming concepts modifies objects, describes them, etc. This name can indirectly trace back to the objects of our brains (atoms, electrons, neurons, connectors, etc.) performing causal relations and undergoing change effects in the referred concept or to objects of our environment remembered and used to relation in conception.

The name of our conception serves as a placeholder for the objects of our environment we conceived in a relation via our sensory organ or the objects of our brain performing the work called conception and serves to modify, describe, explain the objects. So we perceive water molecules, remember their locations, think and name that thought wave. Wave is what an object does. Wave does not refer to an object. We can trace back wave to objects even if these objects are no longer perceivable or even imperceptible.

Since we perform the act of naming we have to determine whether or not we named, or used a name, to refer to an object or to a concept. The way we do this is to ask:

Does the nominal referent have Form?

If so we may file the name under Object. If not the name resolves to a relation worked out by the brain: Concept. Now this may seem insignificant at first, but I assure the reader that this is one of the, if not THE most important task in all of philosophy and physics.

Language can be tricky and seductive without an ontological basis that we perform naturally and yet seemed to have lost touch with. The seeming deficiency, ambiguity, or seduction of language has to do with us. We conceive and use words in a deficient manner. And we introduce ambiguity into language when we fail to define strategic words. And some seduce the weak minded with deficient and ambiguous word use.

But all referents without exception are categorized into two categories by way of their resolved ontology: The two ontological categories are of course

1. Object
2. Concept

There is no third category.

The underlying ontology of the word referent is resolved objectively. The objective criterion is based on the rigorous definition of the names Object and Form derived from all the great thinkers of history. All we need do is take a word in its context and ask whether or not the referent has Form. This is a cut and dry. The answer is yes or no. Form is the only name that can possibly describe any and all Objects. Thus Form serves as the criterion for resolving the ontological context of the word referent. If the referent of the word does not have Form, then the word refers to a relation worked out by the brain; the word refers to a concept.

We haphazardly resolve word ontology every time we parse a sentence. However this skill needs to be honed so that we can perform a contextual analysis on any and all discourses given by anyone in any study, especially science. And we need this skill to trace concepts back to objects. If a concept cannot be traced back to a minimum of two objects then you should note that something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

Evaluating the Ontological Context of Referents is the only way an author or a reader can guarantee clarity in understanding and communication. By resolving the underlying ontology of the word referent one is able to discern ordinary language from scientific language. One is able to discern figures of speech, colloquialisms, rhetoric, etc. One is able to discern hogwash. And one is able to accomplish many other educated tasks.

The ontological roots of language are as clear as the Sun and as strong as a mountain. There is no manner of circumventing a concept. All concepts necessarily invoke a minimum of two objects. And all concepts lack that which belong to all objects, namely Form.

Whoever understands the significance of resolving the ontological context of word referents is truly educated and free. Whoever does not understand how to put this into practice or does not respect the importance of this practice is uneducated. Educated of means "led out from". The idea is that one is lead out of darkness and into the light. We need to be able to master concepts in route out of darkness.

Some Examples of Resolving the Underlying Ontology of Word Referents:

Does the name 'wind' refer to an object? Or to a concept? Wind has no form, thus it resolves to a concept. Wind could be defined as two or more locations of air molecules parallel to the Earth's surface. Adam and Eve came along, thought invisible objects moved parallel to the ground: pelting their faces, trees, as well as their huts and so named 'wind'.

Wind cannot move. Wind is objects (air atoms/molecules) in motion. Wind is really a specialized verb in disguise. It is as if the subject, air, is built into a verb. Wind relates motion of air. A verb is a name that represents a moving relation worked out by the brain. With motion we need an object(s) regardless of whether or not we can see them.


Wave is a tricky one. A wave may seem like it has form but indeed the ontological context resolves to a concept. Like wind, wave refers to a dynamic concept, a verb. Wave is a manner of motion. Wave is our conceptualization of a thing's action. For example, Florence Welch's arms wave when she sings. There is no such thing as a wave. A wave is not a noun of reality, e.g. gravitational waves resolve to concepts. They cannot possibly exist.  No one in the history of the Universe, not even God himself has ever literally seen a wave.  All we have done is imagined a thing waving. 

In context to light and gravity and electron, it is indisputable that these phenomena have dynamic wave-like properties. So we have to ask ourselves what is it that is waving? What is waving at the atomic perimeter??? What is waving between stars in light and gravitational mediation??? Brainstorm and then suppose a rational mediator, an object.


Space is the whore of philosophers and of weak minds.

The tricky and seductive word Space, resolves to a concept. This might sound crazy to the uneducated, but it is impossible to see space via our sensory systems. No one in the history of the Universe has seen space or taken in space via their sensory systems. Not even God has seen space. All we can possibly see are objects that are literally connected to our eyes by the mediators of light. When we see two objects, we think space. Space refers to the separation between two or more objects. However the referent of the name space is an impoverished notion since we assume that the Twined Threads separate any two objects and the Twined Thread is bounded from the immediate surrounding of itself. The stuff that is the referent of the name 'Thread' or 'first corporeal form' or 'fundamental entity', or 'minimal reality', certainly doesn't need an idea called space to separate it.

We cannot see that which mediates light and converges to form all the H atoms and neutrons of the Universe, thus we have overindulged ourselves with the bunk notion of space. Space has never imparted a causal relation or undergone a change effect in the entire history of the Universe since it is JUST A RELATION worked out by the brain!!!! Space is a concept. Space is not even a container. Space cannot perform the the referred action of the verb 'contain' or 'bind'. Concepts do not perform actions. Space is a sheer deprivation and it is truly a sign of the times that people so fawn over the name 'space'.

Does God Refer to Concept?  

And so we end with the Almighty.  Above we already explained that God has Form.  This clearly written in Sacred Scripture in many places.  Now, how do we reconcile this with other more conceptual descriptions of God for example "God is Love . . . " from the first letter of John.  Love refers to concept.  Could God possibly destroy everything I just said above about the two categories of language?  Could God refer to both Object and Concept???  I guess so.  The reason is because the Trinitarian relations are essential to God's Form.  The Father, the Son, and the Spirit (Three Forms) are consubstantial (One Form), and this consubstantiation is based on what we call Procession or Generation.  The Father is eternally generating the Son; the Father and the Son are eternally generating the Spirit in a single moving relation that is God.  

And so philosophers and theologians talk about these ideas such as God is pure act or in God "being is doing and doing is being."  Is God a noun ... Or a verb?   Perhaps both.   In God, Object is Concept and Concept is Object.  In God, Form is Relation and Relation is Form.  This defies all my rational discourse above.  And so be it.   

Sunday, December 8, 2019

What is Real?

Real is about as Latin of a word as one can find.
It comes from the Latin realis.

Re is a variation on the Latin word res
alis just means: of, related to, connected with, belonging to

So realis is literally that which is related to things.

Res was a Roman staple, e.g. res publica literally public matter or public things.

In the dictionary they also try a trace Res back to Sanskrit:

"From Proto-Italic *reis, from Proto-Indo-European *reh₁ís (“wealth, goods”). Cognate to Old Persian [script needed] (rāy-, “paradise, wealth”), Avestan (rāy-, “paradise, wealth”) and Sanskrit रयि (rayí, “property, goods”)."

And note that in Latin the spelling RES is the same for singular and plural. So its like res are your things. Your land, your house, your bike, your car, your husband or wife, your body, your children, your money, your clothes, your food supply, and any relation in regards to your things. Your stuff! A very simple down to earth word and much less technical than the other Latin word: Existentia

There are hundreds of English words that use RES, e.g. resurrection, residue, reservoir, residence, etc.

The way the Romans used the word is similar to how people use the English word 'thing' or 'matter' or 'stuff'. In English 'thing' or 'matter' is basically used as a placeholder for any word in an ordinary conversation. But in physics and philosophy these words are used differently and people will be trying to figure this stuff out until the Sun explodes.

If we are to use the word REAL in physics and philosophy then we have to define it.

The Latin is literally that which belongs to things. Thing is just synonymous with object, entity, body, etc. What belongs to all things I ask? Form. Form is the primary quality of all things. So real has a lot to do with form. Form refers to that which is bounded or contained from the immediate surrounding. Then if you want you can add the idea of location. So this form has a location. That star you see every morning has form and location. And guess what? Your act of observing it or thinking about it doesn't determine this. The Sun is just there. It stimulates the atoms in your body and forces you to wake up. Very profound!!! So in real there is this sense that the thing is independent to your thought or act of perception.

Your wife you wake up to every morning has form and location. Once you tie the knot you can't escape her. Your car or bike or skateboard has form and location, that magnet you used in science class has form and location, as do all the atoms that constitute these. HOWEVER that woman you dreamed about last night seemed to have a form but no location. If you look around you will not find her. You can think about her, but you can't relate TO HER. Your brain just generated a picture and made a movie of her. That triangle you traced in geometry has a form but no location. Or those spacetime lines your curved don't seem to be found. These forms are not real. They have no relation to all the atoms of the Universe.

So its very simple. The Romans were no fools. They conceived and used words like REALIS and EXISTENTIA because some of their Greek neighbors were insane. These are static concepts used to describe objects.

In philosophy and mathematics they start messing around with the word real and for thousands of years this word is never resolved or defined. And then we have mentally ill philosophers, mathematicians and so called physicists preaching to the masses about the word real. And then they build trillion dollar devices to decide what is real or what is not real because they are confused about how the philosophers use the word real.

All these imaginary problems could be resolved in an instant if the philosopher, physicist or mathematician defined the term REAL and used it consistently in his presentations. Simple as that.

so in summary for physics and philosophy I would define

Real: that which has form (object) and location independent of any human action whether thinking, perceiving, observing, measuring, dreaming, hallucinating, etc. Not all objects qualify as real.

Location & Real vs. Existence

Location refers to a static concept (a picture imaged by the brain). Where form is a primary quality of objects used to resolve the ontology of the word referent, location refers to a sort of secondary quality sometimes used to resolve whether or not an object is real and/or exists.

Real and existence are often used to mean the same, however they are strictly speaking a little different. Real is more down to Earth; one may even say colloquial. A sober concept and has to do more with that which has form independent of any sort of human intervention. Existence is more technical. Existence literally refers to that which STANDS OUT and seems to imply the three classic dimension (length, width, and height). So one could argue that existence implies a human observer. But on the other hand if one has a perfect understanding of the crucial word 'Form' and takes into account mercurial assumptions, I think one can do away with need to toy around so much.

Location can be defined more or less in an observer independent manner so as to resolve whether or not an object is real and/or exists

Location refers to the set of static distances from an object to all other objects.

If an object is described by real or exist, one should hypothetically be able to measure its distance to all objects of the Universe. So if superman is real and/or exists he should be located X distance from the Sun, Y from the Moon, Z from the Earth, A from you and so on. One doesn't have to do the measuring but the basic concept is powerful. It serves as a sound conceptual exercise.

Location can tell you right away whether or not some form is imagined or traced. For example a triangle. A triangle is an object. It has form, HOWEVER. does it have location? And even more 'what' could we possibly imagine bounded or contained of a triangle? In between the boundaries all one does is conceptualize space or some other imaginary forms. Space lacks form. So obviously a triangle is an abstract or imaginary form used in some context of utility. A triangle has nothing to do with reality and/or existence and all to do with a human brain conceptualizing. Similar with all concepts such as love, justice, gravity, etc. These concepts have no form, and neither to they have location. Where are you literally going to find love? Love is what God, humans and animals do.

Really once one takes on some mercurial assumptions all one needs is Form. But now one can make a list of objects and ask whether or not they have location so as to help resolve whether or not they are real or exist. And so it becomes clear that humans imagine objects, hallucinate objects, project objects unto their environment, trace objects on paper and via computers, dream objects, abstracts objects, idealize objects, hypothesize objects, etc. However none of these can be located and strictly speaking they have no form. Their form also has to be described with the same modifiers. They have imaginary form and so on. We thought of them, we pictured them via our brain and used them to think, but there is no what contained, or bounded from immediate surrounding, no essence, no three classic dimensions, etc. You will never be able to locate a triangle or the ideal woman or superman. None of these objects stand out, none have three dimensions, none of them are connected to all the atoms of the Universe much less constituted by atoms. None of them are qualified in the abstract nest called matter. These imaginary objects have no foundation.

Are Memories Real?

Memory is a brain capacity. The brain or neural objects move to re-image an object of the past or imagine objects collectively mediating an event which happened in the past. The objects used in memory are not real since they lack location or a 'foundation' object from which they derive their form. They are imaginary objects or objects of memory. Just like dream objects or objects in hallucination. In this scenario we could just assume the brain and neural objects or human performing an act of memory are real.

Memory refers to a concept about what an object (brain) is able to do. Memory or memories lack form. There aren't any objects called memories constituting one's brain. Strictly speaking, real describes object. Memory lacks form and so relates back to a concept that we worked out about what our brain is able to do. Thus memory is not object and cannot be described by a static comparison called real. Similar with event. Event lacks form.

What is Time?

Time is not a reality (hypostasis), but a concept (noêma) or a measure (metron).---Antiphon the Sophist (5th Century BC)

. . . fast forward to our century and this is about the best definition one will ever see . . .

Time: the equation of motion to a preconceived cycle of motion that is assumed to occur regularly.

Time is a relation . . . a concept worked out by the brain. First we conceive of regular, repetitious motion. Then we relate other irregular action to the regular cycle and by counting the repetitions of the cycle, we derive a number that can be considered "time".

Seconds, days, years, etc. are all abstractions referring to regular, repetitious cycles that we have conceived of as constant and dependable.

Even atomic clocks, which are considered "the most precise" are based on the assumption that the atoms of the clock are performing an action in cycles that are regular and dependable.

Time is based on assumptions and artificial, idealized relationships. ---Mike Huttner (21st Century AD)

For Time to qualify as real it would have to have form, location and stand out implying three dimensions. So in other words it would have to be some invisible fundamental subatomic object, and the particle physicists and disciples of Einstein would have to spend billions to confirm its existence to the world.

But most reasonable thinkers throughout history clearly understand that Time refers to concept, a brainwork. One simply compares two or more motions. One conceives and assumes one motion as regular, cyclical, constant. And then one equates this motion to others. If there is an irregularity in relation to the assumed motion used as a standard then there should be some explanation. For example the irregularity of Earth's orbit around the Sun. Or an irregularity when comparing a caesium atom's activity near Earth's surface in relation to a caesium atom's activity in Earth's orbit. The presence of some fundamental invisible subatomic object in different ratios (number of subatomic objects and their effective actions) must account for the irregularity in these two different locations, but this object is not called Time.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Two Categories of Language: Object and Concept

Object refers to an abstraction or a category used to organize names. Object nests together all the names which relate a human to that which has form. Form is a property used to describe and to define object synonym of thing, entity, body, etc. Below I have a list of quotes from many different thinkers who thought the same, but they never worked out the two categories of language. Concept is defined as a relation between objects worked out by the brain and is used as another category. Some synonyms of concept are idea, intellection, thought, understanding, etc. The Concept Category nests together all other names that cannot possibly be organized into the Object Category.

In this complex naming is a primal concept. Humans enact what we conceive and name: naming. This is a primal relation. We do this all the time. We are doing it now. Object and Concept are two abstractions used to organize our modes of naming so as to clarify our understanding, name usage and communication.

A human can possibly name that which has form, e.g. star, tree, man, woman, apple, door, chair, etc. Form is defined as that which is bounded or contained or demarcated from an immediate surrounding. How an object assumes it's form could be explained in a theory but this is irrelevant here. This mode of naming that which has form is described in the second chapter of the Bible. Adam names that which has form. That which has form is led to him by God and he relates to that in the act of naming:

The Lord God also said: “It is not good for the man to be alone. Let us make a helper for him similar to himself.” Therefore, the Lord God, having formed from the soil all the animals of the earth and all the flying creatures of the air, brought them to Adam, in order to see what he would name them. For whatever Adam would call any living creature, that would be its name. And Adam called each of the living things by their names: all the flying creatures of the air, and all the wild beasts of the land. Yet truly, for Adam, there was not found a helper similar to himself. And so the Lord God sent a deep sleep upon Adam. And when he was fast asleep, he took one of his ribs, and he completed it with flesh for it. And the Lord God built up the rib, which he took from Adam, into a woman. And he led her to Adam. And Adam said: “Now this is bone from my bones, and flesh from my flesh. This one shall be called woman, because she was taken from man.” (Genesis 2:18-23)

A child does a similar action, however a child adopts nominal conceptions fed by mom and dad in accord with convention. And a human will continue to name that which has form until he dies. This manner of naming relates a human to that which has form and is organized into a language category called Object. We can trace the human act of naming back to that which has form, (both ways, since a human also has form). This naming serves as a basis for language, thinking, and all intellectual endeavor. All languages have the same roots! They are rooted in that which has form. We cannot even have motion (a verb) without that which has form.

A human can also possibly name that which lacks form. In other words a human can name a relation or a comparison between objects which he has worked out via his or her brain e.g. love, justice, gravity, space, time, identity, location, color, dimension, etc. So to play off of Adam above, after Adam named that which has form he retired and started thinking about all these objects. And he began naming his thought. In the act of naming, a human cannot literally relate to a relation which his brain has worked out, let alone a natural relation that happens independent of him. This would break the law of contradiction. One cannot possibly relate to relation. How is a human suppose to literally relate to a motion of his neural objects rooted in the brain? And so what a human does to remedy this impossible situation is stealthily treat this relation AS IF an object (i.e. that which has form). Humans routinely do this. This mimics the other mode of naming, i.e. naming that which has form (above). They reify their brain-works so as to consummate higher order abstractions which in turn they reify and name.  One cannot even speak let alone write a sentence without treating concepts as if objects.

Reification is a human, mentally converting his conception into that which has form. For example, a human will routinely treat space as if it has form. A human can even reify his primal concept called naming. That is he can treat word concepts referencing that which has form as if the nominal relation had form.

Humans speak of concept formation. But strictly speaking this is all impossible. Concept lacks form and cannot possibly form. Concept happens via the brain. Philosophers also speak of thinking in figures of speech or metaphor. And this is it! Converting a concept into that which has form is the ultimate figuration!!! There is no deeper poetry than this trick. And this is done surreptitiously. No one seems to understand what they are doing!!! And only humans seem to have the ability to do this! Atoms, molecules, stars, cells, plants, animals, in short all of Mother Nature does not seem to be able to convert a concept into an object, but humans seem do it all the time! This ability could perhaps be named: preternatural. This is really one of the actions that categorizes a human. And this has it's uses, however if one does not understand this it will lead to epic nonsense. And we see this everyday in physics.

And so to enlighten this process, to clarify thinking and communication, proposed categories seem to help. These categories come later in the development of the human family or of the child, if we take a child as a reboot of the human race. Adam did not first have abstractions, categories and clear definitions to work with before he began naming and neither do children. Greeks started categorizing and Medieval philosophers followed them. Object and Concept are two proposed categories of language. They are radical. They have their uses.

Some other ways to work out these categories are as follows:

One can possibly lift one's finger and point to that which has form (object). And if one decides one can utter or trace a name.

One cannot possibly lift one's finger and point to that which lacks form (concept). But mentally humans still treat concepts as if they have form anyway. And they can still name their conceptions of the brain.

Captain Ahab lifts his finger to the Sun and says "I'd strike the Sun if it insulted me." This of course is crazy, but at least he is relating to an object (Sun). But if Ahab lifted his finger and pointed to nothing and said "I'd strike space if it insulted me" then Ahab would be beyond crazy because space lacks form as do all concepts.

Quotes to give an idea about how I am using the word Form above:

by form I mean the essence of each thing, and its primary substance -- Aristotle, (Metaphysics, Ch. 7)

For the form cannot desert matter, because it is inseparable from it and matter itself cannot be deprived of form -- Robert Grosseteste (On Light)

The first corporeal form is in my opinion light ---Grosseteste (On Light)

The chief point of divergence is that for Grosseteste matter is not pure potency, as it was for Aristotle, but possesses in its own right a certain minimal reality. (Riedl, Clare C. (Translator) Notes on Grosseteste)

Form, that is to say, the first corporeal form, or light, is in his view more than the 'form of corporeity,' the principle of extension, it is also a principle of activity. . . The intrinsic principle from which this motion or activity proceeds must be the form . . . (From Notes on Grosseteste)

Light furnishes therefore the principle of continuity in nature, for as the first corporeal form it is common to all things in the universe from the lowest of the elements, earth, up to and including even the firmament. Thus 'all things are one by the perfection of one light.' (From Notes on Grosseteste)

For where there is no shape nor order, nothing either cometh or goeth -- Augustine (Confessions, Book 12, Ch. 9)

where there is no form there can be no distinction between "this" or "that” -- Augustine (Confessions, Book 12, Ch. 13)

The term 'body' [object] therefore can signify that which has such a form as allows the determination of three dimensions in it, prescinding from everything else, so that from that form no further perfection may follow. If anything else is added, it will be outside the meaning of body thus understood. (Aquinas, On Being and Essence) [in other words there are extrinsic and artificial properties that we relate but these cannot define an object. Only form can define an object]

The term body [object] can also be taken to mean a thing having a form such that three dimensions can be counted in it, no matter what the form may be . . . (Aquinas, On Being and Essence)

Now matter and form are so related that form gives being to matter (Aquinas, On Being and Essence) [in other words all objects in the set named matter have the native-inherent property called form and this may qualify them under the category existence].

Matter then cannot exist without some form but there can be a form without matter (Aquinas, On Being and Essence) [in other words he realized that there is a fundamental form that underlies the set of objects, i.e. matter. In other words, a set of fundamental subatomic objects constitute all hydrogen atoms (or protons and neutrons) and these same mediate light and gravity between them all].

As Avicenna says, "The quiddity of a simple substance is the simple entity itself," (Aquinas, On Being and Essence) [in other words there is a fundamental object that belongs to all objects in the set of matter and this object is what is bound of itself]

A boundary is that which is an extremity of anything. (Aristotle, Metaphysics)

A figure is that which is contained by a boundary or boundaries.” (Euclid, Elements)

the knowledge of the universal consents of things …. I … understand as the science which applies the knowledge of hidden forms to the production of wonderful operations; and by uniting (as they say) actives with passives, displays the wonderful works of nature. (Francis Bacon IV, 366–7: De Augmentis III.5)

Who existing in the form of God, did not consider being equal with God something to be grasped (Saint Paul) [Even God has Form].

A complete answer would amount to a history of thought, for in one sense everything possesses form. In some contexts the Greek words Eidos, Schema, and Morphe, and the Latin word Forma, which are often translated as “form” mean no less than “the qualities which make anything what it is.” (Notes from Accent on Form by Whyte)

Around 1250 we find Thomas Aquinas regarding forma as the essential quality or determining principle of every individual thing. (Notes on Accent on Form by Whyte)

But more importantly, shape is what an object has before light even reaches our eyes from the object. (Fatfist, Physics--What is Shape and Why Does it Define an Object?)

[for fun add a quote from Avengers: Age of Ultron . . . ]

Ultron to Jarvis: Where is your body?
Jarvis to Ultron: I am a program. I have no form.]

Naming Our Brain Works

I'm bored. All the current events bore me and I have nothing new in the eschatological front. So what the hell, lets do some philosophy and physics (P & P). It will be stimulating. I have a unique inheritance of philosophy and physics. What I will share is fairly simple.  Anyone can apply themselves and learn this.  You will be smarter than Einstein.  You will think as sharp as an arrow and be able to unravel secrets. And so lets start with this curious human act of naming.  The word. 

We are able to name objects (that which has form) or to name a relation between objects which our brain has worked out. 

In assumption each and every name first and foremost refers to concept. Once we think beyond (or transcend) this assumption we realize that these nominal conceptions either reference an object (whether real, imaginary, hypothetical, and so on and so forth) . . . or they reference some sort of relation or comparison between objects that our brain has worked out (for example love, gravity, number, etc.) and we decided to name. The act of naming always relates the human who named to the object named or the conception conceived and so this is a sort of primal concept. The criteria for figuring out whether or not a human named an object or a concept is form. Form is that which is bounded from an immediate surrounding. Gottlob Frege never figured this out when he said "the concept horse is not a concept". He had his own complex categories, but his investigations are still useful to borrow from.

The sort of furtive act in all this is naming our conceptions. We work out a relation or comparison between objects and name this. And so the act of naming works an affinity between us and our brain-work. And what we do is treat our brain-work AS IF this were an object. In doing so we establish a sort of suprarational relation. We cannot literally relate to a work our brain consummated so we do a trick by reifying, that is imagining that this concept is an object and ourselves relating to it. This is sort of a transcendental if you want. As far as I know animals are not able to accomplish this, and this is one qualifier that sets us apart from the animals. I have no idea what the physical mechanism is that enables us to accomplish this but I have heard them say that the human brain is one of the most beautiful and complex objects in all creation. We are freaks of nature, or children of God made in his image. Take your pick. I believe in the latter, but this is irrelevant to the discussion.

And this is what is confusing I think. It is easy to imagine Adam waking up, and naming that which has form (objects). But then Adam went to retire for the day and started working out relations between all these objects he named and then he named these relations. The way we can resolve whether or not a word relates back to object or concept in any given context is form. Does the referent have form? Yes or no?


I have this concept. . . I call it blah blah blah. Blah, blah, blah, is not a thing. Blah has no form, but I treat blah like a thing in the act of naming, thinking and communication. I reified. I converted this idea into an object. But I just ignore the fact I reified blah blah blah. Now I literally think that blah is an object that performs verbs and is involved in causal relations and undergoes change effects with the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, the stars and all atoms. Blah does it all. Blah is real. And with blah we can work miracles like travel back in time! Blah will take us to new galaxies. With blah we will inhabit new worlds!

But remember blah is just an idea I thought so don't take me too seriously. This is just for shits and giggles, and we make millions off of this concept. And besides we need another trillion dollars of public funds to validate this concept. And when we do we will announce this to the world, and all will wonder.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

In Praise of Inequality

Perhaps I will meet you sometime in the desert, where the Zamiri roam, and men and woman fit together like water and thirst. When they meet, they are everything, Alone we are nothing. (From Black Gold, Movie)

All the lessons of psychiatry, psychology, social work, indeed culture, have taught us over the last hundred years that it is the acceptance of differences, not the search for similarities which enables people to relate to each other in their personal or family lives. (John Ralston Saul)

In spite of the fact that I am embedded in a hierarchical Church, I sometimes lose sight of the importance not to mention value of inequality. This I think might have something to do with the never-ending stream of modern woke propaganda in favor of equality. Perhaps I and we in the West in general have lost sight of the importance and value of inequality. And as I grow older I am coming to a more mature appreciation of inequality. And this has nothing to do with blind obedience or a militaristic exchange of fulfilling orders. There is 'something' ingenious about inequality. Hopefully I can unravel this a bit in this article.

Male and Female Inquality

Let us start on a base physical level. A male form does not equal a female form. This is qualitative. There is no possible argument against this. There is no argument against form. That which is bounded from an immediate surrounding is a res ipsa loquitur.  The thing speaks for itself.  All one has to do is trace, and dissect the body. Hand in hand with this goes the fact that females have certain abilities that males do not and vice versa. Function follows form. And I might add that each have certain strengths and weaknesses that we are all well aware of. Different ways of thinking, different ways of expressing emotion and some slightly different needs. Perhaps this is why traditionally both were to assume different roles. And maybe just maybe we have lost sight of the concept that this is very well God's holy will, "Jesus answered, "Have you not read from the beginning the Creator made them male and female . . . "

A male form does not equal a female form. There is asymmetry. They are not identical. Perhaps we can say that identity is a concept that is derived by comparing forms. That which has form is everything in philosophy and physics. Assuming Faith we may all be descended from God, Adam and Eve, and in this there is equality. We are equally children of God and joint heirs to the Kingdom. Male and female are alike in dignity and have their rights. Both are human. And yet this cannot possibly be taken to an extreme in denial that a male form equals a female form or vice versa. 

Is this a contradiction??? Not necessarily. It is possible to have both equality and inequality, and indeed the heresy of these times is to deny one and blow the other one out of proportion. This is what many of the great heretics do. They fail to accept the seeming paradox. They fail to enter into and wash themselves in the mystery. (e.g. Arianism accepting the human nature of Jesus, yet denying his Divine Nature). Moderns in the West have failed to see and appreciate the subtlety in nature, in God's plan and even in God himself.

What about a specific male form as opposed to another specific one. Take Michael and Nicholas. These two names refer to two distinct male forms, but are they equal? Strictly speaking no they are not. Again trace the lines, dissect the flesh, decode the DNA. Slightly modified forms. And guess what? Michael and Nicholas have different talents, insights as well as a little different strengths and weaknesses. Different virtues and vices. Different personalities. Different graces. Perhaps this has first has something to do with their distinct forms in addition to their chosen acts, environment, and so on.

Inequality in the Holy Trinity

There is even inequality in the Holy Trinity. Although Roman Catholics believe that the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are One God, One Divine Nature, One Essence yet clearly the Father does not equal the Son, and the Spirit does not equal the Son or the Father. They are three distinct Persons and this implies inequality in spite of consubstantiation. Jesus said, "The Father is greater than I," meaning his Divine Person. Jesus prayed that not his will but the Father's will be done during the Agony in the Garden. The Father eternally generates the Son and sent the Son into the world via Incarnation.   The Son does not generate the Father and does not send the Father. Again perhaps a bit paradoxical yet this is what is written. There is asymmetry, inequality, and identity in One Divine Essence. And without this inequality it would seem to me that God would be incomplete.

Other Inequalities and Concluding Thoughts

And there is inequality in the Church. Your average Catholic lay person who doubles as loony ultra-conservative armchair theologian spewing criticism, heresy and conspiracy does not equal Pope Francis. Oh no. By virtue of his ordination and the singular grace conferred upon him when he became the successor of St. Peter, Pope Francis HAS NO EQUAL on this rock called Earth. Pope Francis is way beyond your average lefty or righty Catholic. He answers to no one but God.

In worldly affairs, perhaps every one in a billion might have the unique ability to reign, and lead whole nations or empires in a non-psychopathic manner without depriving, harming or pissing off the subjects. This doesn't happen often, but when it does happen that is a very unique, talented, UNEQUAL human. The stars must have aligned. All the subatomic objects crossed into him at conception. The Holy Spirit must have modified his form, stimulated and graced him, because he is special. He seems to be able to lead where most others cannot. And yet the strange thing is he needs his subjects to qualify as unequal. They complete him so to speak.

There is inestimable value in inequality. Inequality fuels and sustains mutual admiration, respect, service and even love for one another. When everyone is treated equally or forced into equality or unable to cultivate unique talents or assume unequal roles, we clearly lose invaluable relations. And not only this perhaps certain needs are not met. I tend to admire and respect others who are able to do things I'm not capable of doing. I also admire others who don't have this same face I have to look at in the mirror everyday. There is something worthy of admiration, respect, love and gratitude that we have these unequal forms, abilities, talents, skills, roles, insights and so on.

In love there is this attraction encountering one that is OTHER than you. Another form, with abilities, thoughts, and so on that are not your own. And this not just in context of sexual love. Also in filial love. This is one of the "reasons" I think I love people from other cultures and countries so much. To me they are exotic, and they make me want to get out of myself and my world. In any sort of love which most would agree is the most precious gift one may find, inequality seems a life-blood. Inequality seems to fuel love. Its like we need this inequality to complete ourselves, to fulfill ourselves, to perfect ourselves. Without it, we would be nothing.

Imagine a world full of American businessmen and woman in suits, same haircut, loud cars, same ideas and all lusting after money. Talk about dystopian. Talk about losing admiration, respect, and love of others and life. That is what I would be tempted to do. Perhaps this is why there are those who make a life commitment to go against the status quo. That tattooed Mohawk and inked body is a brazen challenge reminding us all that we are unequal.

Inequality also inspires us to go beyond our humdrum lives. If there was no inequality what would we possibly have to strive for??? What star could we set our course for in order to better ourselves? If there was no Ivo Pogorelich or Grigory Sokolov, those mercurial gods of the piano setting the bar high, perhaps we would be condemned to average piano music until the end of time. And what if there was no classical music or ethnic music to inspire??? Maybe music would degrade into nothing but half naked women lip syncing nonsense. And the list goes on and on.

So in conclusion to this brief intellectual escapade, I say we should celebrate inequality.  And if one is confused as to what God's will may be for them in life he or she could always start with the basics.  Men should accept their form and basically act like men.  Women the same.  It may take some work, but it is worth it.