Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Origin of Enuma Elish

Bel-Marduk is a Babylonian god who is elevated in the Babylonian creation myth called Enuma Elish. This creation myth is often associated with Genesis One. Some foolishly speculate that Genesis One was an offshoot of Enuma Elish.

So just who is this Bel-Marduk? And where did his ridiculous myth come from?

Bel-Marduk is a concept generated from the life of Nimrod. After Nimrod died he was worshiped as a god under the title Bel or the name Marduk. After a few generations, knowledge of the association between Nimrod, Bel and Marduk faded away.

Nimrod was a son of Cush who was the son of Ham. He was a thoroughly evil and degenerate person. He was the Hitler of his time. Nimrod was involved in the project of building the immense city-tower called Babel. Many tribes were associated in building this city-tower and Nimrod was one of the chiefs among them. When the work on the tower stopped Nimrod took power over remaining tribes who did not migrate from Babel. So it is written in Genesis:

And the first part of his kingdom is Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar; from that land he hath gone out to Asshur, and buildeth Nineveh, even the broad places of the city, and Calah, and Resen, between Nineveh and Calah; it [is] the great city. (Young's Literal Translation)
Nimrod rose to power after the event of the confusing of the tongues. He used the bricks of the halted Babel project to lay foundations for the cities that later united into the Babylonian empire. I do not think that Babel is Babylon. Babel was built on a rise surrounded by a plain. Babylon was built by the river. Nimrod had the bricks and stones moved. The bricks and stones of the Tower were used to build a first foundation of Babylon, whatever it was. I do not think Nimrod was ever a king-proper, he was simply the most powerful tyrant of the region. He was a founder of cities and of a race. Later these cities he founded had kings.

Nimrod was involved in all sorts of devilry, idolatry and astrology out of resentment toward God for the Flood. For many years he worked on a system of idolatry chalk full of gods, idols, myths, pseudo-prophecies, and rituals which he passed down to his subjects (I take this from Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich). He probably drew some concepts and names from the debris of Sumer. He even made priests for his system. Nimrod was also involved in famous hunting expeditions and sired many children. A daughter and granddaughter of his were also very powerful and later worshiped as goddesses.

Enuma Elish is a piece of hogwash. It ultimately came from the idolatry and idolatrous system of Nimrod. Nimrod was the first to draw up the fictional histories of the Babylonian gods used in Enuma Elish. The story probably got copied and recreated from the passing down of Nimrod's teachings and writings. The Tiamat/chaos elements were originally conceived of by Nimrod who lived not long after the Flood event. Only there is a twist in all of this. Nimrod under the name of Marduk enters into his own fictional history and becomes the creator god! Whether they knew it or not the Babylonians were worshiping a concept referring to Nimrod under via the names Bel-Marduk.

The fact that scholars actually take this stuff seriously and make claims such as Genesis One being influenced by Enuma Elish is a testimony that establishments are confused, wild in their concepts and more or less full of hogwash. That anyone would even conceive of Genesis One having anything to do with the piece of idolatrous filth known as Enuma Elish is foolish.  I've read many translations, interpretations and commentaries of Genesis One, and it seems that wherever I look I see Enuma Elish.  Well it makes me think . . . are some Scripture scholars for real? 

The holy writer of Genesis One could not have cared less about Babylonian myth. I assume he did not even know that Enuma Elish existed. But even if he did know it existed and happened to read it, there is no possible way he would have stooped so low as to be influenced by this nonsense.  Some of the speculative associations and speculative events that circulate in books and institutions these days are just made up and treated like some wise doctrine. It is as if Nimrod is having his revenge on God in the future; for today, one cannot even read a Genesis 1 commentary or interpretation without the filth of Enuma Elisha sullying it. It was said by Blessed Anne that Nimrod resented God for having enacted the Flood.

Genesis 1-2:3 is derived from a seer who saw and understood what God did. God mystically induced him to conceptualize past events (perhaps in a prophetic dream) which he described in the script. Genesis 1 is a postdiction: a description of past events without error. Some of the word concepts he employs, such as evening and morning, one day, second day, third, etc. have specialized-prophetic meanings that refer to the unique phenomenon of God manifesting Himself in a miraculous transfiguration of the physical astronomical object: Earth. When God went to work it was like the Earth's first daytime, for Earth was a wandering planet prior to the events described in Genesis One. These prophetic concepts have nothing to do with 24 hour cycles, or yearly cycles, or anything of a Western temporal concept. It is not like the seer had a clock and was measuring the time God took to do his work then decided to use the word day as a figurative concept. And the days of Genesis 1 certainly have nothing to do with the generations of Babylonian gods.

In conclusion,


That is all one need know about Enuma Elish.

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