Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Ven. Bartholomew Holzhauser on the Great Monarch

Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser was a German priest who lived in the first half of the 17th century. He penned some prophecies as well as an interpretation of the Book of Revelation.

Below are a couple quotes mined out from his writings in regards of the Great Catholic Monarch.  I will use these for some brainstorms:

The powerful Monarch, who is sent from God, will uproot every Republic. He will submit everything to this authority and he will show great zeal for the true church of Christ. The empire of the Mohammedans will be broken up and the monarch will reign in the east as well as in the west. (Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser)  

What I want to emphasize from this is that it Bartholomew clearly states that he will uproot republics which I would assume are in the West. I don't know which definition of republic Holzhauser had in mind, but I suppose we can just make this synonymous with any manner of modern government across Europe. It is also implied that he will take out Islamic governments, whether they are states, republics or monarchies.  (Mohammedan Empire to include the Middle East and Northern Africa). He will also take Israel.  But the point is that there are two fronts, West and East.

I cannot conceive a possible East vs. West narrative, not even prior to the rise of the Great Monarch.  I am one to think that this long predicted World War III will never happen.  East vs. West is a false paradigm promoted by the globalist elite so as to distract us from their ever increasing control.  Instead we will continue to get these complex proxy wars, a general nation rising up against nation, an increase in terror attacks, increase in government control, civil unrest, the famine and so on.  These serve as the health of the State, and also the transnational banks and corporations.  The world is way too complex for a two sided line them up conventional war as of now.  Who would ally with who???  

There are other Saints and Mystics as well as eschatological commentators who seem to try to conceive a Christian vs. Muslim, or East vs. West or clash of civilization narratives, but perhaps they are or were conceiving incorrectly for a variety of reasons.  I think these are false narratives.  Eschatologically speaking the only war I believe in is the Great Catholic Monarch's war, which will come like a thief in the night.  And he might get support from unseen allies, for example the Russian people. 

Almost all governments under the Sun are severely corrupt.  Most seem intimately interconnected with a few exceptions for example, for Iran has seemed to repel shadow conquest by the globalists, though I'm not even sure about this anymore.  Governments, and by extension corporations, banks, foundations, all those in high places seem to be woven in this indissoluble web. During the little Tribulation, God will not favor those governments of East or of West. Neither set will conquer the other via their military.  He will humiliate them all, without prejudice.  To both West, as well as East, it will be humiliating for their members of governments, corporations, banks, elite think-tanks and foundations, etc. to be taken out by this man anointed by God and descended from royal Europeans with a following like the stars of the sky.  I also imagine that the Great Monarch will dissolve and dispel all U.S. bases from what will become his kingdom which would include Saudi Arabia and all the Gulf States, Iraq, Turkey, Afghanistan, the horn of Africa.  These locations have become hubs for the U.S. military which has caused a lot of trouble throughout these regions.  And of course NATO will be dissolved to the great honor of this Great Monarch.  After the rise of the Great Monarch and the little Tribulation institutions like the UN and the IMF will cease to exist.  People will morally direct themselves for a time even if they acknowledge the Great Monarch as a world leader.   

His kingdom as Holzhauser mentions includes both the East and West, say roughly Middle East, Europe including all those that participate in NATO and perhaps North Africa.  His conquest will probably be more humiliating for those of West, than for those of the East.  I tend to imagine that the Middle Eastern inhabitants will admire him more than the European ones because he will bring them the long desired peace and he will be a mystic wrapped in mystique.

The Sixth Age of the Spirit commences with the powerful Monarch and the Holy Pontiff as previously mentioned and will last until the appearance of the Antichrist This sixth epoch of the church – “the time of consolation” begins with the Holy Pope and the Powerful Emperor and terminates with the reign of Antichrist. (Ven. Bartholomew Holzhauser)

In his writings, Bartholomew also mentions the fifth and sixth ages of the Church, which I think correspond with the Church of Sardis and Church of Philadelphia in Revelation.  In the Book of Revelation, Jesus addresses the Popes who lead successive multiple generations of Christians nested into seven.  The seven cities of antiquity are models for the successive generations of Christians.  Right now we are in between the twilight of the fifth age and dawn of the sixth age, or in other words, the Church of Sardis is withering and Philadelphia is shooting. The little Tribulation which Jesus officiates by breaking the seals will transform the Church into Philadelphia.  Then there will be a genuine peace in the world for a generation.  Later Antichrist rises up after several successive generations of Philadelphia. And last around that time the Church of Laodicea rises up.

I unreservedly believe and expect this Great Monarch to appear and accomplish what is said of him within a generation or so. There are many other prophecies and ideas in regards to this Great Monarch but I just wanted to focus on these two main points above for this post:

Two Fronts---East and West
The Church of Sardis (fifth age) vs. the Church of Philadelphia (sixth age)