Saturday, January 9, 2021

A Word Sacrifice of Divine Praise

This is how I begin my evening prayer.  A word sacrifice to God!!!  

Blessed and happy are you Lord God, Father of All, reigning King of Heaven and of Earth, King who made all things for your glory and generously gave your only Son to them.  

Blessed and happy are you Lord God, Jesus Christ, precious Son of the Father, reigning King of Heaven and of Earth, King who made all things for your glory, and in sublime compassion and commitment, saved them by your bitter Passion, Death on the Cross and glorious Resurrection.  

Blessed and happy are you Lord God, Most Holy Spirit, reigning King of Heaven and of Earth, King who made all things for your glory and came down to the Church, who inspires her, sanctifies her and enlightens her forever.  

Blessed and happy are you Lord God Most Holy Trinity:

Pure, out of this world and free;
Mighty and majestic God, poised in all wisdom;
Willing and able to forgive, let go and reconcile;
Willing and able to take upon yourself my sin and evil;

Radiant brilliance enlightening my eyes like no other;
Fullness of all riches and source of all health and beauty;
Everlasting, loyal and sublime love beyond imagination;
All mercy, all justice, all virtues, perfection.
Who alone can heal us in your blessed rays streaming forth from your pierced heart.    

Your fire is burning bright! 
May I repent, and turn toward you;
And may I praise you, and thank you;
Adore you and glorify you;
In union with the four living creatures, 
the twenty four elders;
And all angels and all saints;
Face to face, 
In the New Heaven and the New Earth,
Upon which the New Jerusalem will land;
Followed by you Lord God, lighting all!
Forever and ever.  


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