Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Prayer to the Fetal Jesus

Dear Fetal Jesus, so tiny and humble in the immaculate womb of Mary, yet all-powerful and manifesting yourself in the leap of John the Baptist:. We beg you to grace and protect all children in the womb so that they may be born, live and thrive in you through Baptism. Please sanctify all mothers, and would be mothers, who are brave enough to bring life into this world.  And finally, dear Fetal Jesus, gather all your children who were once in the womb as You, into your glorious and eternal kingdom where we may marvel at your works, adore you and thank you forever!  Amen.  

Thursday, October 7, 2021

My Prayers to the Holy Angels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael

There is a lot of evil these days.  Sometime last year I realized that I do my work on my own anymore.  So I began to pray to Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael.  I firmly believe they have helped my life to become more peaceful with less disturbances.  Its a war with evil out there.  These blessed Angels want to help us and to exercise their power on Earth.  And yet if we do not ask them, they cannot as much as they would like.  That is what I think.  We must ask, we must pray.      

The first prayer is the one Pope Leo XIII composed.  The second and third to Gabriel and Raphael I composed for lack of popular prayer I could turn too.  The fourth is an add on I will sometimes conclude with.  

Saint. Michael, the archangel, defend us in battle.  Be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil.  May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou O prince of the heavenly hosts:  Cast into Hell Satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world, seeking the ruin of souls.  Amen

Saint Gabriel, archangel of the Annunciation, you are the power of God elected from the heavenly hosts to request of the Virgin Mary the conception of Jesus.  Please come down and take special care of the Church dedicated to this sublime event.  Please ensure that the light of love of Jesus and Mary may always be with us and that we may live in their love and light forever.  Amen.  

Saint Raphael, illustrious archangel of the heavenly court, you are the medicine of God, famous for your blessed mission to Tobias, your healing powers at the pool as well as all the help you have given to Christians of all ages:  Please come down and intercede for me at my side.  Heal me of the many infirmities which afflict my body and of my soul for the sole purpose that I may be a pure and wholesome gift to the Divine Spouse, Jesus Christ, for whom I was created.  Amen.  

Holy Angels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael:  Great commanders of the heavenly hosts and patrons to mankind; lions protecting the holy ones on Earth.  Thank you so very much for all of your help.  Free us from evil and enable us to offer the pure sacrifice that is Jesus and all of His Sacraments in peace and freedom, in holy reverence and joy.  Amen.  

Friday, April 2, 2021

Jesus Dies on the Cross

The Lord emerges like a hero, like a warrior he inspires himself for battle; he shouts, yes, he yells, he shows his enemies his power. “I have been inactive for a long time; I kept quiet and held back. Like a woman in labor I groan; I pant and gasp. (Isaiah 42:14,15)

Jesus cried out with a loud voice and breathed his last. (Mark 14:37)

I like to consider Jesus’ last cry on the Cross. Jesus sucked in everyone including myself and all sins, all emotions, all lows, all problems into his sacred body on the Cross. It hurt him. And then he released it in his loud cry and death, once and for all. Like a hero he faced all our sins and their consequences and overcame them. Like a Mother he gave birth to a new me, a new people and a whole new world which has yet to fully come to fruition. The Lord was a warrior of patience; one with relentless determination. He kept his eye on the prize which was me and you. Throughout my life, whatever happens, deep down I have always felt that all is well. This can only possibly happen because I have this moment of Jesus on the Cross. No matter what happens no one and nothing can take that away from me or any of us. And this is a great source of courage.

I also think that I should be joyful when I see Jesus on the Cross or participate in the liturgy of Good Friday. Yes this is a terrible day. And yet, I firmly believe that God would not have had it any other way. If there is ever such a mysterious concept as destiny, Jesus dying on the Cross is it. He once told a mystic saint, that he would die on the Cross a million times over for us. Jesus wanted to do this for us in spite of how sinful we may have once been or continue to be. This is his way of showing us and proving to us who and what he is. I remind myself of this especially on Good Friday. Jesus wanted to do this.

And so I hope and pray we may all more and more come to live and bathe in that moment of Jesus dying on the Cross for us. May we live in his light and love forever. Amen.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Sublime Quote on Force, Law, and Conscience

Force can be defused or countered and crushed. Laws backed by principle are more effective than laws backed by force. The human conscience is the only factor that keeps humanity from destroying itself. Laws do nothing and are meaningless unless they appeal to our inherent conscience.

---Brandon Smith

Quotes from Orwell and Sudac

This is some sort of Orwellian time. Never until now has it been for a man easier to access publicity, to media, to newspapers, to television, to internet, to video games, and this and that. But never until now has it been so much of a LIE. So much of a concealed reality . . . otherwise a modified truth that is dangerous. That is something where the average man can lose his very self. That is something where I feel if I don't have the fundamentals in my heart, and if I don't have the grounded reality in my soul, then all of that can for me little by little drive me nuts to say the very least, and I lose it, I lose that foundation.

It isn't easy being a man. It isn't easy living today. Well, I think every era bears its burdens as well as its challenges as well as its advantages. I wouldn't like to be born in any other time besides in this one which I am living in, for its so challenging, and its so original. And its so totally this present reality that provokes me to change.
---Fr. Zlatko Sudac

“Even the names of the four Ministries by which we are governed exhibit a sort of impudence in their deliberate reversal of the facts. The Ministry of Peace concerns itself with war, the Ministry of Truth with lies, the Ministry of Love with torture and the Ministry of Plenty with starvation. These contradictions are not accidental, nor do they result from ordinary hypocrisy; they are deliberate exercises in DOUBLETHINK. For it is only by reconciling contradictions that power can be retained indefinitely. In no other way could the ancient cycle be broken. If human equality is to be for ever averted—if the High, as we have called them, are to keep their places permanently—then the prevailing mental condition must be controlled insanity.”
---George Orwell, 1984

Prayer to Guardian Angel

My prayer to my guardian Angel.  

Angel of God my guardian,
Assigned to me by the Father in His mercy, 
who sees his bright face in Heaven, 
and also sees my dark face on Earth and all of my sins.  
Please come down and intercede for me at my side.
In the time of trouble and temptation, help me!  
Teach me how to pray, to sing and to read the Sacred Script.   
Direct me in the Way that is Jesus and no other.  
And help me journey toward the Heavenly banquet,
So that I may unite with you and feast forever,
in adoration of Almighty God.  


A Word Sacrifice of Divine Praise

This is how I begin my evening prayer.  A word sacrifice to God!!!  

Blessed and happy are you Lord God, Father of All, reigning King of Heaven and of Earth, King who made all things for your glory and generously gave your only Son to them.  

Blessed and happy are you Lord God, Jesus Christ, precious Son of the Father, reigning King of Heaven and of Earth, King who made all things for your glory, and in sublime compassion and commitment, saved them by your bitter Passion, Death on the Cross and glorious Resurrection.  

Blessed and happy are you Lord God, Most Holy Spirit, reigning King of Heaven and of Earth, King who made all things for your glory and came down to the Church, who inspires her, sanctifies her and enlightens her forever.  

Blessed and happy are you Lord God Most Holy Trinity:

Pure, out of this world and free;
Mighty and majestic God, poised in all wisdom;
Willing and able to forgive, let go and reconcile;
Willing and able to take upon yourself my sin and evil;

Radiant brilliance enlightening my eyes like no other;
Fullness of all riches and source of all health and beauty;
Everlasting, loyal and sublime love beyond imagination;
All mercy, all justice, all virtues, perfection.
Who alone can heal us in your blessed rays streaming forth from your pierced heart.    

Your fire is burning bright! 
May I repent, and turn toward you;
And may I praise you, and thank you;
Adore you and glorify you;
In union with the four living creatures, 
the twenty four elders;
And all angels and all saints;
Face to face, 
In the New Heaven and the New Earth,
Upon which the New Jerusalem will land;
Followed by you Lord God, lighting all!
Forever and ever.  
